Saturday, February 16, 2013

Freaky Friday

Friday was just the craziest day.  I got called in to sub at Harmony Elementary in the morning so that changed my plans for the day.  I found it was a bit of a challenge as the kids constantly talk.  She warned me that they were working on being more quiet - clearly they are.  I got off work at 3:00, went to Thornton's to get a snack and then over to the middle school to help distribute the Little Caesar Pizza Kits (our PTSA fundraiser).  I was also picking up my order and Janelle's (since she is home recovering from foot surgery).  When I got there, they had Janelle's order, but not mine.  Mine was $143 worth of food - where was it!  I was upset, but let it go. 

I volunteered to help with the pizza's for two reasons 1) I am the PTSA President so I want to be there to support the fundraiser and it's chairperson, and 2) Robert has soccer try outs until 6:00 so I might as well do service while I wait for him.

Unfortunately, Robert's try outs were postponed until Tuesday of the next week (only 6th & 7th grade tried out today).  So there I was at the school with no pizzas to pick up and no son to pick up either.

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Quote for the Day

"Happiness is found along the way ...
... not at the end of the road.
- Cowabunga Bay (7/30/10)