Thursday, June 25, 2009

Water Gun Fights - summer is finally here

After several camps - Boy Scout camp, Young Women's camp, Cub Scout Camp, Soccer camp, Golden Goal camp it's time for some back yard fun with friends and family! The boys really went wild tonight. Robert, Aaron and Devon were drenched!!! Robert shooting at me while Aaron is doucing Robert with the hose!
Too funny! Robert is so wet, he doesn't even notice.
Devon distributing refills...first come first service!

Robert on the attack -
I think Aaron is getting very wet right about now.

Best friends - Robert and Aaron!
Why are their guns aimed at me?
I love family fun - especially in the back yard!
Hope you are having a great summer too!

Monday, June 22, 2009


(This post is really for personal posterity
but I didn't want to leave out such a special moment in Jessica's life) On Wednesday, June 17, 2009 Jessica received her Patriarchal blessing from Patriarch McCammon. There really isn't much I can post about the actual events, except to say it was just one of the most spiritual experiences of my life. It was such an amazing blessing to witness. I felt so privileged to hear the words be pronounce upon her.
She is so beautiful (inside and out)

Jessica with her parents

It was such a special day that Betsy wanted a photo to remember the feelings we had as we arrived home from President McCammon's house. I hope Jessica will read and re-read her blessing several times throughout her life. She is so blessed and loved by the Lord.

It was absolutely one of the very best moments of my life!


Monday, June 12 thru Friday was Cub Scout Camp up at the Lion's Club Park. This year Robert is a Webelo! I was the den walker on the first day. We had a great time. We decorated the Pirate flag, came up with Pirate names for everyone and really got in the spirit of the fun.

Robert's friends: DJ, Reece, Ben, Robert, Max and Trevor

Webelos at Cub Camp

Robert making his totum
(Ben and DJ also pictured)

On Monday I was a den walker. These are all the boys in the camp den (different from his regular den) the Very Back: Robert, Brit, DJ, Trevor and Betsy
Middle: Max, Reece, Ben, Morley, Austin, Xander, Cole, and Zach. Very Front: Brennan.

Robert and his mom and Den Walker!
What a great day at camp!

While at camp we decorated a pirate flag, passed of several achievements, did bb shooting, sling shots in archery, played basketball for sports, learned about Emergency care with the EMTs, made totums in crafts and played racing games as a den.
Robert aiming the sling shot at the target!

I had a great time with these kids. They were a great bunch to hang around with all day. When my day was over, I really wanted to come back the next day. Working on Monday was perfect since Jessica had basketball on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday (I had to be available for transportation). On Thursday it rained with 70 mile hour winds, so I picked Robert up early that day, but other than that - he had a full fun week at Cub Camp!

Saturday, June 13, 2009



It's a shame, but Devon doesn't see the need to take a camera to camp because he goes to the same camp every year and, (in his own words), "I already took pictures of camp."

Devon truly survived camp this year! At camp Devon worked on the following merit badges:

Soil and Water Conservation
Wilderness Survival

Devon left for camp at 6:00 a.m. on Monday along with several boys from his Boy Scout troop: Ruston, Will, Chris, Seth, Ethan, Ephriam, ... and leaders. He was all set for his week, but then when he got there he found out that he wasn't going to get to do cooking and that he would be doing Wilderness Survival. Thank goodness mommy gave Devon money to use at the "Trading Post" so he could get a few supplies that he didn't know he would need for Wilderness Survival.
In order to pass off Wilderness Survival the scout has to camp without a tent, making his own shelter in the wilderness for one night. Guess what night they chose - you guessed it - the night that it not only rained, but severe thunderstorms came through the camp. Devon had made a shelter that looked like a triangular prism with cut branches and sticks on both sides and thinner (more flexible) branches woven through for protection. He said he was fast asleep when he all of the sudden heard his badge leader shout to get up, collect their things and follow him to more suitable shelter.

Okay, 60 miles away on the same night Devon's mom is repeating a prayer over and over to please protect Jessica, Devon and Marissa while they are out in the wilderness camping at the same time a severe thunderstorm is slowly moving through the area. The storm started around 2:15 a.m. and lasted until 6:00 a.m. Betsy had a bad feeling that Devon would be camping his "overnight" that night...she was right.

It is now 2:40 p.m. Saturday afternoon and Devon is home safe and sound. I missed him so much. I am so proud of him. He had prepared for one week of camping and ended up with an entirely different schedule of activities and badges, but he did them - one of them being one of the most challenging badge requirements out there.

He and I have spent hours cleaning up the mud and gunk that came home with him. Actually the girls stuff was more messy than his, since he doesn't take a tent to camp - the BSA provides tents. Anyway, it is so nice that Devon had a great week at camp and is now home safe and sound!

Friday, June 12, 2009


This year's CAMP theme was SURVIVOR - How appropriate considering the amount of rain they received!Ready for camp! Tradition is to stop at DQ before and after camp!

Alison N. & Hannah, Amanda (from C2) Jessica & Jenny, Tyler, Chauntel, Ayne, and Alison C.

Our Awesome YCC's from CRESTWOOD 1st WARD! Tent mates: Amanda, Jessica, Jenny and Tyler
Best Friends Forever!!!

Crestwood First Ward girls - ready for camp!

Marissa and Sammy - 1st years and Best friends!
Jessica & Tyler - YCCs and Best friends!

Friends having fun:
Jenny, Tyler, Jessica and Allison C. Marissa and Sammy Delgado at camp! Best buds!

Tired after a long night of being rained on ...
at least Jessica and both Alisons are still smiling!
Katie, Alison C., Alison N., Jenny and Jessica after being rained on all night!

Everyone in our family was so excited about YW Camp. This year Jessica would be a Youth Camp Counselor (YCC) and it would be Marissa's first year at camp. Jessica was selected to be the YCC that worked with the 1st years - how awesome is that. Jessica and Marissa get to be with each other.

We drove theYCC's to camp on Monday afternoon. They set up camp and prepared for everyone coming the next morning. Marissa and her unit left for camp at 7:30 AM on Tuesday. They picked a great camp site and were all excited to be there.

While there, they set up camp, ate, made a camp fire, cooked smores, went swimming, did crafts, Bo-Tai, and certification.

Unfortunately, Wednesday evening the rain came -hard! Loud! and Electric! It was a terrible thunderstorm that essentially washed them out of camp. Marissa woke up to 2" of water inside her tent. Thank goodness she slept on an air mattress.


I love flowers and bright colors. Here are two pictures of flowers in the front of my house!

Around the back of the house is a small but productive garden of lettuce, parsley, basil, onions, carrots, watermellon and tomatos. We have more to plant, we just need to find the time.



LOWE LADIES LAZILY LOUNGE AROUND! Betsy relaxing by the wave pool!
Aren't Jessica and Marissa so cute!
Sisters and Best friends!

The sun is out the clouds are away and the Lowe Ladies decide to ditch the boys and go Lounge around at Kentucky Kingdom for the afternoon.
Actually it was the Saturday before the girls head off the "YW Survivor Camp" and I wanted some special time with them. We were so lucky a family was leaving just as we walked by so they gave us their chairs! YIPEE!
If you know me (and you wouldn't be reading this if you didn't) then you know I LOVE the summer, laying out and hanging by the pool!


Jessica flanked by coaches Sykora (long distance) and Yanke (hurdles)

Jessica loves running track in the spring. Last year she ran the 100m High Hurdles and that was it. This year she was entered in several different events, but as the season started to take shape, she was pegged for three ... 100m High Hurdles, 300m hurdles, and the 3rd runner on the 4 x 400 m relay. She ran the relay with Lucy Gibson, Ashley Adams, and Jessica Andres. As I have mentioned before -

I call these girsl the FAB 4.

Three new school records for Jessica!

This winter Jessica made a school record in basketball with Rebounds. Now, she adds three more titles to her "wall of fame" She holds the school record for all three events she ran this year!

100m High Hurdles: 19.10 (broke last years record at Regionals)

300m Hurdles: 51.38 ( made at KCD Inv.)

4 x 400m Relay: 4.21 (made at the State Meet)

Friday, June 5, 2009


Jessica and her friends!


Today, June 5 was the last day of school. We celebrated by going to Graeter's Ice Cream after everyone was home from school and getting a rental movie!

We are so happy to be out of school. We get to sleep in for one day, go to church and then Devon, Marissa and Jessica head off to camp.

Quote for the Day

"Happiness is found along the way ...
... not at the end of the road.
- Cowabunga Bay (7/30/10)