Wednesday, January 30, 2013

What a Horrible Night

Last night was just HORIBBLE!

It actually started around 2:00 pm when the schools announce that a treterous storm bringing tornados was headed our way.  They said it would be arriving sooner than expected.  Everyone was concerned it would hit before school got out, but that wasn't the case.

For me when I hear news like that I immediately think of Devon driving in those conditions.  Luckily for us the weather was fine - just very gusty winds at 20 mph.

I stopped at Kroger to get milk and groceries so we'd be stocked up.  I cooked a wonderful steak, corn, rolls, caesar salad dinner with ice cream for dessert.   We had family prayer right after dinner because Devon had loads of homework.

I was so tired I fell asleep from 7:30 - 9:00 pm.  Unheard of!!!  Well, the storm still hadn't come but I took the precautions to bring in Robert's soccer net (with his help) and stack the patio chairs, trim the dead flowers (has nothing to do with preparing for the storm - it just took a lot of time).

After getting a nap, I was now wide awake.  Weird!  I got the kids (except Devon) to bed by 10:00 but worried if I should have had Marissa go to sleep in the basement.  I checked all the windows and checked the weather report.  The storm is expected to hit right in the middle of the night - 3:00 - 4:00 am.  UGH!  We will all be asleep.  How will we know.

Finally Devon went to sleep around midnight … I couldn't sleep until after 1:00 am UGH!  Then I was up at 2:00 again - just checking the weather and kids.  At 3:00 am Devon's phone alarm went off (UGH Devon!).  Now I couldn't get to sleep out of anticipation for the storm.  You could hear the wind howl  and the rain pounding on the house.  Water was coming in through the front windows (Jessica's, and the office's).  At 4:00 am the storm was here in full force so I had to wake the kids and move them to the basement.  We slept (laid awake) down their for one hour before the kids were allowed to go back to their beds.  Marissa decided to stay downstairs while Devon went back up to bed.  Robert never came out of his room (since he sleeps in the basement).  I went back to bed, but again 6:00 am came so early.  I decided to let Devon sleep in and Marissa too.  At 6:50 I woke them to get ready for school. Marissa was furious that I let her sleep in.  She didn't want to miss seminary.  Luckily she was able to get ready with Devon and they left around 7:24 am.  Alex came over and together Robert and Alex caught the bus at 7:40.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Robert's YMCA Basketball game #2

We only had five boys to play the whole game:  Alex McClarty, Jack Dugan, Jack Seibert, Robert and Andrew Matts.  It was a very defensive game.  At the end of the first half the score was 10-4 (our lead) until the last second where they scored one more basket making it 10-6.

The gym was very poorly lit with 2 lamps burned out on one side - the side our boys started on.  The boys worked very well together; Alex or Andrew getting the rebound and passing it out to Jack, Jack D., or Robert.  Robert attempted several shots but all of them were off.  After half time we switched sides where there was better lighting.  Immediately Robert was hitting his shots.

Robert dribbling down on a fast break
Robert scored 5 points in the 3rd quarter and 5 in the fourth for a total of 10 points.  The boys won the game maintaining the lead the whole time:  20-14.  Again they held them to 20-12 until the last second when a basket was scored at the last second.

There was a spectator that said, "He will go far (meaning Robert)."  I asked him why he throught that and his reply was that Robert hustled back on defense and he never gave up.

Mark and I kept telling Robert to keep shooting - it will come, especially when you get into the second half where you have better lighting … and sure enough, Robert got hot again.

Robert setting up for the first basket he made

Robert bringing up the ball

Robert at the free throw line
Robert had 10, Jack Dugan had 8, and Jack Seibert had 2.  Alex and Andrew did an excellent job rebounding the ball.

Devon & Robert's church basketball game #2

Robert made a beautiful 3 point shot from the side
The Young Men's church team played at 2:00 pm against Louisville 2nd ward.  Luckily Devon doesn't work until 4:30 pm and Robert doesn't have another game until 4:00 so they both could be at the game.  Robert and Devon were able to play in the game and both started the game.  
Robert was the main ball handler and point guard.  Devon was the main rebounder and distributer.  There are a lot of boys on this team - there were eleven boys there today and some didn't come.  Most of our team are younger than the competition but that's okay.  Devon plays in the post and Robert is point guard.  The team we played against had one great player that kept the ball to himself (3) most of the game.  His coach took him out during the third quarter and that gave us a chance to bring the score up.  

At the end of the game Robert had 9 points and Devon had 10 out of the 19 points our team scored:  in other words - the Lowe boys made all the points.  Unfortunately, the Boy's team lost 35-19.

Marissa's Basketball Game #2

Marissa's game was at 9:00 am.  She got there early for warm ups but only three other girls showed up. Only Marissa, Eden, Serina and Dominique showed up.  Meg was out with a broken ankle, Emily is out with an ankle sprain and Mierra and Olivia didn't come.  It was so sad that these four girls there and ready for a game, but since they didn't have five they had to forfeit the game.  Luckily a few girls from the LaGrange ward stayed so the girls could play a game.

The girls still lost 15-0.  They had a lot of opportunities but the ball just didn't make it through the hoop.
Marissa played the whole game.

Mark Returns from Houston

Mark spent a long hard week in Houston, TX.  He left on 1/7 and returned 1/11 only to be home one week before he had to turn around and return this week.  He left on 1/21 and returned home 1/25.  He's been gone 2 out of the last three weeks.  He left at 5:00 am on Monday, and returned around 11:00 PM on Friday (both weeks).

The bad new continues, in that he will be in San Jose for the next two weeks.  That means he will be done 4 out of 5 weeks.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Betsy's Busy Making Preparations

You know how your life seems so busy, and then something new comes along and everything else goes on the back burner and you become busy with the new project (which would mean you really weren't that busy - maybe); well that's sorta how if feels lately.

First Jessica tells us about her mission call…

Then I catch the Family History fever

Now I am trying to help Jessica make all her missionary preparations including:
- passport
- visa
- temple clothing
- make her temple dress
- inventory her clothes (what she can take what she can't)
- design and make what she needs for clothing
- purchase items needed for mission

Must to organize - plan and prepare for!!!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Family History Fever

For the past 10 years I have put off Family history thinking that I got "most" if not "all" of it done while we were in England added to the excuse that because our computer was stolen I lost all my PAF (Personal Ancestrial File) information.

Well, recently - this past Sunday, a dear friend shared with me how to open the new website and access, edit and print the data.  SO EASY!  I'm so impress and addicted once again.

While in England I would often stay up until 1:00 am or 2:00 am working on my family line - well, Monday night I did it again.  It's just so hard to leave once you get into it.  There are so many doors to open, check, correct, add, file, print, or research.  It's never ending.

I love it.  I will have to pace myself becuase I am 10 years older and 2:00 am bed times do not agree with me as much as they used to, but the fever is caught - I have it.

Family History - I am doing it!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Devon Goes on Missionary Splits

For several weeks Devon (along with the other boys in Devon's Priest Quorum) have been taking Missionary Prep Classes.  They are every other week - being taught by Brother and Sister Singer (she is close to having a baby).

Today Devon and Stephen went on splits with the Missionaries.  Devon drove his missionary into Louisville and then back out for an appointment.  It was quite an interesting experience.  It was so good for him to see what it could be like for him.

I'm so proud of him for his decisions.   I can still remember when Devon didn't like anything to do with missionaries, missions, mission food, etc.  It's so good to see he has changed.

Ice Cold Weather perfect for Ice Cold Skating!

Today was a school holiday so the kids stayed up a bit longer last night and slept in until 10:30 am.  I got them up then because we planned to go ice skating at Iceland today.

I told Marissa and Robert to invite a friend.  Robert invited Aaron, but he didn't want to go; Marissa invited Makenzie.  We waited until 12:00 for her to arrive - then headed off for the ice rink.

Makenzie was so funny - she forgot to bring socks and gloves.  Robert was wearing two pair of socks so he gave her one of his pair, and I had brought two pair of gloves for each of us, so we were covered for gloves as well. 

We skated from 12:20 - 2:00 - what a great time.  Robert was brave and daring.  Marissa and Makenzie were cautious and careful.  Robert had several spills but then we found out that he had broken skates.  Once I replaced his skates he did GREAT!  Marissa and Makenzie didn't fall once (but had several close calls ;)).  I really love ice skating.  It's something you don't forget. 

After a great time at the ice rink I took the kids to Qdoba for lunch.  YUM!  Chiops & Queso and Quesadillas.  It was a really nice way to spend the day.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Second Time at the Wildcat Invitational

After playing Basketball this morning, Marissa had to get to her track meet.  First thing in the morning, Marissa was excited to run - this would be her first time running competitively since cross country season - unfortunately, she hurt her foot this morning.  UGH!!!  Just what she didn't need.  Since she was hurt I stopped at the house on the way home to grab her foot brace.  I thought it would give her more stability if/when she runs.  We continued to ice her ankle (on and off) the whole trip down.

We stopped at Subway to get her the traditional pizza sub and water before continuing onto Lexington.

We arrived at the Nutter Field House at 1:20 (she didn't need to be there until 2:00).  Her race was at 4:30.  She was in a great position at the start of the race 4 or 5 back from the lead but then with each lap she fell further behind.  You could tell something wasn't right.  I was worried it was her ankle.  Today she ran a 12:57.  She was very unhappy with her results.

After she ran, she said she couldn't breath in there.  I remember he saying the same thing last year.  She ran a 6:07 mile last year and the very next race she ran a 5:47.  BIG Difference.  She couldn't breath, her ankle hurt and she had cramps.  UGH!  Not a good race.

Well, the good news is that there is always one bad race each season - this got it out of the way up front.  Nothing to do but get better.  She will want to take a minute off her time to get back to her PR, and then more time off to take the school record.

All in all she still did very well.  She finished 20th out of a huge group (2 heats).

Basketball Season in in full "Bounce" along with a "Kick" from Soccer

Today was a busy day - from one thing to the next with several events overlapping.

It started off with Marissa having a Young Women's Basketball game at 10:00 am while at the same time Robert had an indoor soccer game.  Mark took her to the Stake Center in Crestwood, while Betsy took Robert to his game at the Y in Buckner.

Marissa's team won 8-4 (very low scoring game, and it wasn't even first thing in the morning (however the girls probably just woke up at 9:00).  Unfortunately, during the game somehow Marissa hurt her ankle.  Mark didn't see it, and she didn't limp during the game, but as soon as the game was over she didn't want to put any weight on that foot.

Robert's team did very well.  They are playing in a High School Indoor League, so they play guys that are huge (most of them).  Today they played the Trinity Freshman soccer team.  We were doing very well 3-2 (down by one) at half.  It was great to see them not be intimidated by the speed and strength of the older boys.  Robert scored one of the goals.  After the half, our coach put a different goalie in (someone that doesn't normally play goalie because our regular goalie, Justice, was injured in the first half).  Unfortunately, he let 4 goals in very quickly.  UGH!!!  The score was 7-2.  Robert scored again, and so did Tyler, then they did too.  The final score was 8-4.  It was a loss but it really wasn't as bad as the score board showed.  If we didn't let 4 easy goals in, we would have been tie.

Immediately after Robert's and Marissa's games, we meet up at the Starbucks in Crestwood to swap kids.  After some delicious hot chocolate on a freezing cold day, and getting ice for Marissa's ankle, Mark took Robert to his Y basketball game at St. Francis School in Goshen, while I took Marissa to Lexington to run in the Wildcat Invitational. 

Robert's game started at 12:00 pm.  There seemed to be a theme going on here - play huge kids.  The team they played against were all Freshman in high school.  At first they were intimidated but soon Robert made a 3 pointer and got "Hot".  They were ahead by 6 at half 18-12.  Robert remained "Hot" for the rest of the game.  He made 4 "3" pointers and a few drives.  He also had some nice assists to Mason on the inside.  Robert left the game with a good lead (confident they would win) to get to his next basketball game that started at 1:00 pm back at the Crestwood Stake Center.

Robert was late to the game, but it was a game they predicted losing so it was more important to stay at the game they had a chance to win, plus he wouldn't be that late and they have to rotate boys in/out anyway.  Robert's team is all boys younger than high school with the exception that Devon was there today.  Thank goodness we had Devon to get some rebounds - unfortunately he got in some early foul trouble so he needed to be out for more than he should have been.

They lost by 20 but it was better than their loss from the last year.

While they were at basketball, Betsy took Marissa to Lexington to run in the Wildcat Invitational.  See next post.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Jessica Receives her Mission Call

Wow!  Oh My goodness!  This is real.  This is happening.  My sweet little girl is all grown up and ready to serve a mission for the Lord.

Today around 5:00 pm (our time) 3:00 pm (her time) Jessica received her mission call.  It came in a large white envelope.  She called to say that everyone was coming to her apartment at 8:00 her time, 10:00 pm our time.  We would have to wait 5 hours to find out where so will be spending 18 months of her life and when she will start.

Jessica is back at BYU Provo for this winter semester which will end around April 25.  She said she'd be available any time after that… when will they send her.

So, tonight at 10:00 pm we SKYPE Jessica - all of her friends are over - Annie, Amanda, Jenny, Stephanie … her cousins Shannyn and Nick, and Alex … and even more I don't know.  She opens the envelope and reads.

Dear Sister Lowe,

You are hereby called to serve as a missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. You are assigned to labor in the Phillippines Olongapo Mission. 

You should report to the Provo MTC on Wednesday, May 8th 2013. You will prepare to preach the gospel in the Tagalog language. 

Oh my gosh - Jessica is going to the Phillipines.

Her mission is just north of Jake's Mission in Cebu Phillipines.  


Marissa's Special Night

Tonight was such a special night in our family.  Tonight at 7:00 pm at the Crestwood Stake Center in Crestwood, Kentucky, Marissa was recognized and honored for completing all the requirements for the Young Women's Medallion.  To complete this requirement she has to complete six value experiences in the seven areas:  Faith, Divine Nature, Individual Worth, Knowledge, Choice and Accountability, Good Works and Integrity.  She also has to complete a value project consisting of at least 10 hours for each value.  Then, She has four value experiences for the Value Virtue and must read the Book of Mormon in it's entirety.  Essentially it is the equivalent of the Eagle Scout Rank and Court of Honor.

Marissa has been diligent in her goal of completing the Young Women's Personal Progress Program since she started it when she was 12 years old.  Less than 4 years later she's finished in with honor.

We are so proud of you Marissa!

Tonight there was a very special program for Alayna Brovont and Marissa Lowe - both earned the YW Medallion.

The program started with Alayna's parents telling how the personal progress program has helped her develop and grow.  They were followed by Betsy Lowe telling the how the personal progress program has helped her mature and grow.  This was very emotional for Betsy as she realized in public that her little girl has really grown so far since baptism.

Then the Young Women sang a beautiful song.  They were followed by a video presentation of Marissa and Alayna (prepared by Betsy Lowe).

Each girls was addressed by the Young Women's President, Kristine Theiss and presented flowers.

Unfortunately, Marissa's medallion had not arrived yet so she will be presented with that at a later time.

Another very special event took place today - Jessica received her mission call papers … see next post

Sunday, January 6, 2013

3v3 Tournament - Fantastic FINALISTS

What a great tournament!

It all started back in November when Eric Kirby's mom asked me if Robert would like to play on a 3v3 team with Erik.  We immediately said yes.  Some background info:  Robert and Eric have been playing 3v3 together since 2009, except for last year when Robert was out with his torn ACL.  The first two years their team were 3v3 Champions!  They were named RockStars (for Coach Rock)  They loved it!  The third year they were Mr. Pet; they didn't make it to the championships (oops).  Then last year, Robert couldn't play.

This year they were called "Bazinga!"  The team is Eric Kirby, Robert Lowe, Tyler Scholten, and Ben Carper.  These boys played together back when they played U10 and U11 for Thoroughbreds.

The first game was at 8:30 am on Saturday morning against a team called Success!  The boys clobbered the team.  We won 12-4, it was 12-3 until the very last second when Tyler thought it wouldn't matter because the buzzer was going off as the Success scored a goal because he walked away from defense.  No big deal!  Robert scored at least 3 goals (I lost track) which is a hat-trick.

The boys were suppose to have an 11:00 am game, but the team we were supposed to play cancelled so that left the time open.


The next game was against a team called "Those Guys" but it really was the Legends team - all of Robert's friends - Holden Thompson, Ryan Danehy, Wil Stone, ???

We dominated the game (both halves).  The final score was 6-0 SHUT OUT!  Robert had another hat-trick.  Wahoo!!!

Because they won that game, their next game was at 12:30 pm.  That didn't give Robert very much time between games.  This time they played a team called Loco Poco (bright orange shirts).  This game was so consistent.  Robert scored the first 2 goals!  Go Bazinga!  The first half the score was 4-1, the second half added the same points per team.  Final score 8-2:  Bazinga wins and Robert had another hat-trick.

Now they play at 2:00 for the Semi Finals.  They play a team called Hachi-Hachi.  This was the most competetive game we've played so far in the tournament.  It is the U13 Premier team.  The game went back and forth 1-1, 2-1, 3-1, 3-2, 3-3, 5-3, 7-5, then Hachi Hachi caught up and it was tied 8-8 at the end.  We had to go to sudden dead overtime.  We won on an error of the other team.  It was a sad way to win the game but it was fair.  We advance to play the Hippies at 4:00.

At 4:00 they boys are playing their fourth (4th) game of the day.  I'd say that 's a bit much, but what I say doesn't really matter.  Robert, Ben, Eric and Tyler are doing great.  The score is very even 1-1, 2-1 ... then Ben goes down and doesn't get up.  When he does get up he says he's fine, but he can't run and allows another goal.  He is really hurt and Rick takes him out.  We are all very concerned for him, because it would take a lot for Ben to be out.  That leaves only the three guys to play the rest of the game.  They are doing great.  Robert scored the first goal, then scored the second.  It's 2-2, then Eric scores for us so we are up!  AWESOME!!  3-2.  Following the the Hippies score tieing up the game with only 2 minutes left.  Robert scores again - giving him a hat-trick.  He's had an hat-trick in every game this tournament.  The hippies follow it up with a quick goal.  It looks like it's going to be a tie, but we miss a block and the Hippies score again.  The Bazingas work hard but then right before the buzzer they allow another goal.  Final score 6-4.  The Hippies won this one, but we fought hard.  Rick said they boys just got tired.  It was unfortunate that one got past Eric with only 30 seconds and another one got in right at the buzzer, but that is how it goes.

2013 3v3 Finalists - Bazinga's

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Celebrate New Year's

Marissa decided to invite her friends to a New Year's Eve Party at our house!  I was so excited!  I love hosting parties and want my kids to have friends over all the time, but they are very busy with work, XC, track or homework that they rarely have the time.  Finally XC season was over, track hadn't started and Marissa isn't working so she finally decided to have a party.

Amber, Mallory, Makenzie, Caroline Marissa, Paige and Kelsey
Friends since 6th grade

First on the agenda was to arrive at the house by 4:30 to get all dolled up for a night out on the town.  Everyone looks so nice.  Betsy loaded them into the Lowe Limousine (my Honda Odyssey) and off we went to Ceddar's for a delicious dinner.  

Makenzie, Marissa, Kelsey, Amber, Paige, Caroline and Mallory

After dinner they were going to go shopping at St. Matthew's Mall but realized the shops probably closed early due to the holiday so we decided to hit Target!  We went to the clothing section, the shoe section, the sock section, videos and movies area, toys and season sections  before finally checking out.

The girls in their VERY high heel shoes!
Look how tall Marissa is !!!

Marissa is taller than mom - how? - she is in 4 inch heels and I'm in flats

Group pictures are very popular with this group!

Back at the house the girls changed into comfy clothes and hung out down stairs in the basement for the longest time.  At 11:30 Betsy invited them up to find that she had made special "cider" drinking flutes for each of them.  Each had a different color ribbon so each girl could remember their flute.  

They were very cute enjoying their sparkling grape juice  as a pre-celebration.  Then at 6 minutes before the ball drops, they went downstairs to get ready to do the count down.

This tray was filled with candy and treats.  They also had Sour Punches, chips & dip and Sprite, Dr. Pepper or water.

Marissa and Caroline!

They were so loud counting down the last minute I thought my ear drums were going to burst.  I video taped the whole thing.  Here they are a minute after the ball drop!

Back:  Makenzie, Marissa and Amber
Front:  Paige, Mallory, Kelsey and Caroline

Then the girls went outside with confetti poppers, confetti guns and a plateful of confetti along with noise makers and "their very own" loud voices.  They had a ball throwing the confetti, blowing their horns and screaming.  I hope all the neighbors were up anyway!

Happy New Year from Marissa and her friends!

The next morning they didn't wake up until around 11:30 am BECAUSE they stayed up until 5:30 am.  CRAZY girls!  Betsy had cinnamon rolls, fresh fruit and juice and water for the girls for breakfast!

Quote for the Day

"Happiness is found along the way ...
... not at the end of the road.
- Cowabunga Bay (7/30/10)