Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Enjoying the Sun

 Lowe girls now how to enjoy the Sun.  

Betsy loves hanging out at the Rancho Sienna pool.  She goes at least three times a week.

Marissa and her friends are having a wonderful time in Idaho this summer.

Fourth of July weekend - Mark and I enjoyed a few hours at the pool.

Monday, June 24, 2019

Week 55: Baptism of Sister See

So to start, last p-day I got to play some tennis and I'm way rusty. I haven't played sports in a year and I honestly feel so uncoordinated now but it's all good. Today for p-day we went with some members to this really strange but cool place. It was called บทเรียนในความมืด which means "A lesson in the dark". Basically we went through this maze in the dark with walking sticks for over an hour and it was actually way cool. It was pitch black and I was really confused by the end of the maze haha. 

This was such a wonderful week as I got to see another person enter the waters of baptism and start on the covenant path. Sister See was straight fire and without a doubt prepared by God. She was baptized yesterday and has such a strong testimony already!! Literally right after her interview she came into a lesson with another person we are teaching and began to help us teach! 

This week we have really been trying to prepare some more people for baptism. We are teaching this guy named brother Q. He has been to church so many times and a bunch of other activities. He is friends with everyone in the ward and will get baptized for sure. He just wants to wait a little longer because he doesn't feel ready. He is such a beast though and is way ready!!! 

Another person we are teaching is this lady named Rose. We have been teaching her for a while and she is progressing. She has been baptized twice already and doesn't want to be baptized again though. She really wants to follow Jesus Christ and says she just needs some time to really study everything out. I'm really excited to see her continue to progress and learn. 

Cool experience:

We went to visit Brother Min, our RC.  When we went to leave there were no taxis around. Brother Min lives in the back of his neighborhood (a long way back) and it was already 8pm. With no taxis or tuk-tuks around, my companion and I started walking to the front of the neighborhood, once we made it out there were still no taxis in sight. Again, we began to just walk hoping to find a taxi even though we were miles away ... and out of nowhere this ตุ๊กๆ tug tug picked us up and dropped us off at the main road. He didn't even want to take any money for the ride.  It was a miracle and such an answer to our prayers! 

Last thing...on Sunday this family of five walked into the church and they are so sick (awesome)! We invited them to attend sister See's baptism and they did. I have wanted to baptize a family for so long, so I'm really excited to start teaching this family!!  Families are the most important in our society.  Helping a whole family come closer to Christ will be a great joy.

Ok love you all!! Talk to you next week. 

Elder Lowe 

1) brother Q and me

2, 5) The car wash

3) Tennis

4) Elder Khanakam and sister Pu

6) P day - บทเรียนในความมืด

7) The boys (Elders) 

8) One of our investigators started telling us about his job and gave my foot the strangest massage haha

Week 54: Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day dad! I love you so much and I'm grateful for your amazing example over the years. You have inspired me to do great things in my life and I want to say thank you! Love you dad!!

So as for this week I have continued to experience miracles and see people's countenances change. Starting with Sister C, she is one of the best people I have ever taught if not the best! She literally has so much faith and has sacrificed so much to become a member of this church. She simply has a desire and a belief that Christ can help her and that's all it really takes. To come to the truth we basically just need to humble ourselves and have a desire to make a change. This week for district council we were able to discuss a lot about emulating the Character of Christ and how we can develop some Christlike attributes. I'm working on becoming more humble and having more charity and love for everyone I come in contact with! I know that a huge part of this life and the next life is to become like Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father, so I encourage you all to start earlier than later, just like Sister C.

We also did a car wash this week for free which was an awesome experience to serve the people we teach. We try to go out and serve people, but a lot of them won't let us. I'm glad I could give a little back to this community because they have changed my life so much!

I had interviews with President this week and I love them. Seeing someone who has the Spirit with him all the time makes me want to be better so I can have that same privilege! 
Lastly, we were studying in the church and we met this lady named man (แมน). She said she was looking for the true church and she decided to come to this church today. We were able to have 3 members teach with us and the spirit was so strong. This lady said that she was on Facebook and saw a post about Jesus Christ, so she wanted to start learning more about Him. We were able to bear witness about Jesus Christ and his love for His children. We explained because he loves us, he restored His church and has called a prophet to guide us in these last days. While we were talking one of the members started crying and said how much this gospel has blessed her life. I think sister man has a lot of potential so I'll keep you all posted on her. 

Love you all so much and I love you dad! You are the best!!

Elder Lowe

Rainy season has begun

On a River Boat

Teaching English

Robert, Elder Burgess, Pet & Geeg

Up the Stairs (26 floors?)

Robert in Bangkok

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

The Job Search is on

This past week I had three interviews - wow.  Famine to feast

The first interview was with Primrose School - it is a preschool.  I started my application as a teacher, but also added my management experience.  It turned out that they are looking for an administrator.  How perfect.  I have a follow up interview in a few days.

Second interview was with the Spring Hill by Marriott in Cedar Park for the Sales Manager.  I met with the manager.  It was a great interview. 

The third interview was with the second interview at Spring Hill by Marriott at Cedar Park.  This time the interview was with the owners and the manager.  I hope this was worth my time and theirs.  The interview was over an hour long.

Monday, June 10, 2019

Week 53: The Rain is Coming of Down

So I know I've probably complained too much about how hot it is in Thailand over the last couple of months. Although it is still very hot, Thailand has entered into the rainy season. The summer season is ending and the rainy season is starting.  What that means is that when it rains, it pours. And it tends to pour just about every day. In addition to the pouring rain, what you need to understand is Bangkok is below sea level, so it floods every time it rains.  Honestly, I love the rain so much so this is such a blessing haha! 

So this week was so cool! We were able to teach with a bunch of members and recent converts. Also we have this person that we are teaching named C, and she is so awesome. She is really reading and pondering the scriptures and praying everyday. She came to church on Sunday and while I was sitting next to her, she was reading in the book of mormon. Then she told me that she believes this church to be true and she has a lot of faith in this church. I was so happy that she is becoming converted. However, the next thing she told me really shocked me - She told me that she asked her boss if she could get off on Sundays so she could come to church and her boss said no. So she started praying and asking God what she should do. She told me that instantly the phone rang and it was me asking her to come to church. She told me that that was her answer! ...so she quit her job on the spot and came to church immediately. It was incredible!!! This lady has so much faith and I know because of her sacrifices she will be blessed immensely!! 

I got to go on a switch off with Elder English this week, my zone leader. He is really awesome and I learned a couple of things from him. When we went to teach lessons to members, he would just talk with them and we would tell stories to build a friendship. Sometimes I just go into lessons and begin teaching and asking people to repent, but he was so good at building a relationship with the Thai people first! 

Zone conference was this week and it was centered on working with members!! President said, "As we use more time with members and strengthen them, the number of baptisms will increase, not decrease." 

Lastly the amazing BYU Vocal Point came to Bangkok Thailand to perform - WOW!!!!  It was really cool - they are amazing. I never thought I would go to a concert on my mission but the Lord truly blessed me, haha. They were way good and are such a light to the Thai people.  Search BYU Vocal Point on YouTube to see what I am talking about.

Love you all so much!!
Elder Lowe

1) random guy I contacted and helped him sweep

2) switch offs with Elder English

3 & 4) The members are the best

Monday, June 3, 2019

Week 52: The 1 year mark is here

So yeah I've been on my mission for a year and I don't even know what to say. I have seen the Lord change, strengthen, and use me to do wonderful things. This past year I have learned so much and I feel so much closer to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The mission is seriously such a blessing; I get to share the gospel and bless people's lives and in turn the Lord blesses me with joy and happiness each day. Serving a mission has been one of the greatest decisions of my life and I want to thank everyone who has pushed me to get where I am today. I love the Thailand Bangkok Mission!!

I have also gotten a new companion this week and his name is Elder Burgess or Elder เจ็ด (which means 7). He is really cool and is actually from Gilbert, Arizona - the same place as one of my friends from college serving a mission right now, Elder Chase Peterson. Anyways, Elder Burgess is very chill and has a strong testimony so I think we will get a long great. 

We continue to see people that we teach come closer and closer to baptism each week. So many of them are close to being baptized, but are just not ready yet. I will keep you updated on all of them and their progression!

Love you all SOOO much! So grateful for all of you and your prayers and emails!

Elder Lowe

Photos this week:

Love teaching the gospel of Jesus Christ

Most of these pictures are on p-day or after English class on Tuesday with all the members! 

- It turns out they have sick shoes in Thailand

- Also giant hats

- And sick furniture and mirrors and pianos

Quote for the Day

"Happiness is found along the way ...
... not at the end of the road.
- Cowabunga Bay (7/30/10)