Thursday, December 29, 2011

Robert gets fitted for a new brace

The ACL brace they gave Robert from Orthopedic Specialists was way too big for him, so we had to order a specially made one just for him.  It was ordered on Thursday, December 22 and came in on December 29.  It, too, has complications.  Their are 5 straps.  One of the straps (a critical one) is too large for Robert's thigh.  Even with the specific measurements it came in too big.

Betsy went to Michael's and got some double sided Velcro hooks so we can make the strap the right size for Robert's skinny legs.

This looks like a much better brace for him.  He is still in PT 2 times a week while doing PT every day at home.  We are hoping for a quick and safe recovery.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Marissa has oral surgery

Marissa had to have surgery on Wednesday.  At first Mark had made the appointment for the Friday before Christmas - now I'm so glad that there was an opening three days after Christmas.  I didn't want her to be in any pain on such a special day.  She was so brave.

Her appointment was at 9:00 AM.  Her permanent canine tooth didn't come in where it was supposed to.  In fact, it didn't come in at all; it came in horizontal across the palette of her roof of her mouth.  Because that tooth didn't come in where it was supposed to the baby canine never got pushed out.  Today they had to go in an remove the baby canine tooth, then cut open (expose) the permanent canine so that the orthodontist can put a hook on the tooth to pull it down into it's proper place.

She was in surgery for approximately one hour.  She had laughing gas, Novocain and then a general anesthesia.  When she came out she was completely unaware of what happened to her.  The doctor said she did great and that the spacing looks even better than they originally thought.  There is a worry that the permanent canine might kill another tooth because the path runs so close to that tooth's root.  We are hoping it will have enough space not to damage the lateral tooth next to the canine.

Marissa was a great patient.  She came home well.  She can only eat soft food (no sucking out of a straw).

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Day

Christmas morning started early with Devon waking everyone up at 7:00 AM.  He said he'd been up since 6:00 and waited to get everyone else up, but 7:00 was late enough.  The kids agreed, but Mom and Dad would have liked to have slept more.  I can't believe how big the kids are getting.  This picture really shows how much they have grown up since moving here in 2002.  Robert was only 3 then, and now he's nearly 13.  

As is tradition, the kids go straight to the presents from Santa and stockings.  

Robert, 12
Devon, 16

Jessica, 18

Marissa, 14

Mommy with her stocking

Then we move on to the presents.  We started with the "big" present.   Robert got a 3G iPhone.  He wasn't expecting it so it was a HUGE surprise to him.  He had wanted an iTouch or soccer stuff, but the iPhone and the iTouch were the same price and you get more with the iPhone, so he was pleasantly surprised.

Marissa kinda knew what she was getting because she wanted Mom to upgrade her phone so Marissa could get a new 3G iPhone, which she did.  She was so happy.  This was all she wanted so she was thrilled to get it.  Look at that face - she's so happy!

Devon wanted games, but games for the 3DS - which meant he would need to get the new 3DS.  He didn't claim to want a $200 present but in order to get him the presents he wanted he would need it, and he got it - even better - he got it in Red (his favorite color).  He was thrilled.  I wasn't sure if he was expecting it or not.  He was working so much I don't think he had a chance to think about it too much. 

Jessica wanted a camera for Christmas since her camera broke while at college.  We didn't tell her, but her camera was still under warranty so we sent it back to be repaired or replaced.  So to make it exciting she got the new 4Gs iPhone.  She was so excited and thrilled!  She also got a $100 deposit into her checking account so she can get whatever clothing she'd like.  

Robert gave Marissa candy and a Forever 21 gift card.  He gave Jessica a beautiful scarf and a Lady Antebellum CD, and he gave Devon a the 3DS game Mario Kart 7.  Robert got Daddy trail mix and pistachio nuts, and he got mommy jewelry and her favorite Lindt chocolates.
Robert and Marissa

Robert and Jessica

Robert and Mommy

Robert and Daddy

Marissa and Mommy
Marissa got mommy her favorite licorice and a beautiful necklace that says, "Mother and Daughter".  She got Mark much needed sunglasses.  She gave Jessica Lady Antebellum CD and make up, Devon a 3DS game, and Robert Air Jordan slides (flip flops).

Marissa and Devon
Marissa and Daddy

Marissa and Robert, Robert so excited about the Air Jordans'

Devon and Jessica
Devon gave great gifts too.  He gave Jessica a $50 iTunes gift card, Marissa a beautiful scarf, Robert was given a DSi and games.  Mommy and Devon went in together on a pair of jeans for Mark, and Devon got mommy blush and candy.  He was so thoughtful in what he gave each person - either something they needed or wanted.

Devon and Jessica
Jessica came home for Christmas which was the best gift of all (of course Mom and Dad paid for it).  She got Devon the 3DS game Mario Land and Lego Harry Potter for the Wii.  Then she got Marissa a black coat, a blouse from Forever 21, perfume from Victoria Secret and a necklace with the M on it.  For Robert she got him Monsters vs. Aliens for the Wii, jeans and a Qdoba gift card.  She got Mom and Dad BYU sweatshirts and chocolate.  

It was so wonderful to see everyone be so thoughtful in giving their gifts.  They all spent their own money.  Robert only has his chore money, and yet he didn't hesitate to spend almost all of it on others.  

Mommy had more to give…she gave everyone their "Cross Country" memory book, and she had a copy of each made for her and daddy to share (as well).  She also got Devon driving gloves, Marissa running gloves, Robert a watch and Jessica a blouse.  She got the family a game, Robert a puzzle, Marissa black boots, Devon a coat and Jessica a winter hat and scarf set.  Devon got an ice scraper for his car, Marissa, Jessica and Robert got iPhone cases to keep their new phones protected.  Jessica & Marissa each got a coach purse and Robert got the Fifa 12 game for the Wii.  Every one was so happy with this Christmas.  I shared the news that because this was such a great (expensive) Christmas that they shouldn't expect much (if anything) for their birthday presents.  

Devon opening his present with his head
he knew it had an open top.

Marissa said Jessica being home was her best present
Jessica with her new coach purse

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve is full of tradition in our home.  I wouldn't mind changing things around just for fun but the kids love "tradition".  Christmas Eve came late this year because Devon didn't get off work until 9:00 PM.  We waited for him to be able to be with us.  Mom prepared for the traditional "shepherd dinner."  She had everyone get dressed in their shepherd costumes.  She prepared salmon locks, salmon steaks, fish, crab, shrimp, and Mediterranean chicken kabobs as the main course, all served with flat seasoned bread and Mediterranean vegetables.  She used to prepare only fish, however Devon really didn't like it and we wanted this to be an enjoyable night for everyone so Mom added the chicken for him.  It turned that Robert and Marissa also preferred the chicken - so good move Mom.

Jessica playing a Christmas hymn
For dinner we turn off all the lights and eat by tender candle light, trying to set the atmosphere of what it would have been like 2011 years ago.  After everyone finishes dinner, we clean up, change clothes and for the reading of the Nativity story and singing of Christmas hymns and carols.  

Robert playing a Christmas song
Robert and Jessica also accompanied the music.  It was wonderful to see them play the piano.

Okay, so then the evening completely shifted gears into opening the one Christmas Eve present.  Typically this is Mom's way of making sure everyone wears pajamas that are matching or coordinating for Christmas pictures the next morning.  Everyone is so very excited.  Robert opened first, then Devon and Daddy.  There - that's all the boys done.  Then Marissa, followed by Jessica and Mommy for the girls pajamas.  This really gets everyone excited for the special day tomorrow.  This year Mom was able to set the camera for a family photo.  

To finish the evening, the kids leave one cookie each and a glass of milk out for Santa before everyone goes up to Mom and Dad's room to sleep together.   This gets a bit crazy.  Everyone has dragged a mattress into our room.  We started this tradition years ago so that the kids couldn't peak on the Christmas tree before mom and dad got up, or during the middle of the night when Santa would come.  

It was a wonderful evening - especially having Devon home from work and Jessica home from college.  I realize that our times of having everyone home for Christmas is coming to an end.  Within 5 years we could lose this wonderful family time, but hopefully not.

Sweet dreams!  
Merry Christmas!

Devon's integrity

Unfortunately, Devon got scheduled to work the following over Christmas weekend:
Friday, Dec. 23 - 1:00 - 9:00
Saturday, Dec. 24 - 1:00 - 9:00 (when we usually have our traditional shepherd dinner)
Sunday, Dec. 25 - 12:00 - 8:00 (he's never worked Sunday) (will have to miss church and will not be home for dinner until after 8:00)
Monday, Dec. 26 - 1:00 - 9:00 (he will have to miss going to Toledo to visit my grandma)
Tuesday, Dec. 27 - 5:00 - 12:00 (at least this one is okay)

I can't believe they have Devon scheduled to work so many critical hours during the Christmas holiday.  Jessica told him to quit so he wouldn't miss or cause the family to be eating late, but he said he couldn't.  He would have to give 2 weeks notice and by then it wouldn't matter.  He also wanted to keep his job so it didn't make sense.  Sometimes we have to make sacrifices - unfortunately this time they effect everyone.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Decorating is double the fun

After the cookies are baked the real fun begins.  We love to decorate with all the different colors, tools and techniques.  Everyone gets into the fun.

We couldn't start until 4:00 because Robert and Devon went to the movies with Aaron, Jessica went to lunch with friends, and Betsy and Marissa were out shopping.

Marissa got the cookies out, Jessica mixed up the frosting colors including red, green, yellow, blue, purple, pink, white and black.  

Let the fun begin.  Devon made his traditional snowman among others.  Marissa and Robert went to town decorating matching or coordinating cookies - so cute... boy and girl unicorns, etc.  Jessica used her creative talents to out do us all.  Betsy loves to make them as pretty as possible - but no one knows why because we are just going to eat them... YUM!!!

Since Devon doesn't like having his picture taken, I had to be sneeky about it.

Robert loves decorating!

Jessica sharing her masterpiece

Marissa made a beautiful star

Devon's traditional snowman

More and more cookies
Hours of fun.  Notice Jessica can't be anywhere without her phone.  We made over 100 cookies.  Now to give them away so they don't end up on my hips.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas Traditions in full force

The first of the traditions is to make the Countdown to Christmas chain.  You can see it in the background.  Jessica mailed us her chains and we put them together with the other kids links.  It was really cool to be able to do this even with her away.  

Another very important tradition is baking sugar cookies.  Lots and lots of sugar cookies get created on that counter top.  Devon was the first to go.  He was so fast I didn't get a photo.  Jessica and Marissa were soon to follow.  They went a little crazy with the whole thing.  
Robert followed (Mark went to bed) so Betsy was last.  Robert and Betsy did some together.  We did all sorts of cookies.  Large ones, small ones, thick ones and thin ones.  Luckily we didn't do any burnt ones.  YEAH!   

Jessica and Marissa started a flour war…  None of us made it out very well.  It was late so we all cleaned up, Jessica and Marissa doing most while I got Robert to bed.  What a fun night.  Tomorrow we will decorate the cookies!!!  

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Robert starts PT

Robert started PT on Tuesday, December 20 with Physical Therapy Plus, Adam Campbell in Prospect, KY.
He works hard at PT as well as at home.  We hope and pray for a safe and healthy recovery.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Highway to Hell vs Faithfully

Tonight I really was discouraged.  It feels like my own family doesn't need me.  It feels like I make more of a difference and matter more to people outside my family (although not many) than I do inside my family.  It's probably my fault.  I'm the disciplinarian in our family so I'm the one that issues all the consequences… henceforth, I'm the bad guy.

Also, since my best friends moved away, Kathy and Sandra I really don't have someone I am very close too.  I don't really think there is anyone out there that would care whether I was here or not.

My own family gets along quite well without me.  Robert, Marissa and Devon don't need me after school, they don't need me for fun, they don't need me for anything except buying them food, gas, clothes, and stuff they want.  When I do, then I'm the best mom in the world … when I don't I'm yuck-o mom.  They don't really miss me if I don't come down for a movie, they don't care if …

They don't realize I'm the one that drives myself crazy making it to everyone of their games or meets, I'm the one that shops at midnight to make sure they have milk in the morning, they don't realize I'm the one that thinks about them every minute of the day, they don't realize I worry about Devon being on the road, or the one that has to take a test.  They don't realize the amount of care, love and concern I give to each of them, and yet they don't care!

That's what hurts so deeply; so very deep!  But, I can handle that - what I can't handle is when they critize that I don't " … "  For example, I'm the only person to go out in the cold at 8 pm at night to hang Christmas lights so we can have lights on our house, and the next day they say, "Why don't we have very many lights", or "why didn't you buy this" when I just spent over $200 at the grocery the day before.  The worst is when they think I am mad at them when I'm not.  I know I'm tired from getting up early and going to bed late, so I may sound grouchy, but I am so sick of being the reason for the unhappiness.  I think they would all be better off without me.  I wouldn't mess up their food, day or plan, I wouldn't be there to make them unhappy.  Everyone would feel better except me.

So, why the title … Well, as I came back from "getting away" tonight, the radio played "Highway to Hell".  That's how I felt my life was going if I continued to have these thoughts.  The very next song on the same radio station was Journey's "Faithfully."  Ironic!  Hopefully Faithfully will win, but raising four teenagers at the same time feels like a Highway to Hell (even though they are really great kids).

You'd wonder, "How can you complain?"  They have great grades, play sports, are good at their sports, are good kids, polite to others, go to church, honor their priesthood…

Home for the Holidays

Amid all the holiday traffic, we were happy to have Jessica as a passenger traveling home from college.  There was much anticipation in her return.  We left the house without checking the flight status.  We were worried we were running late so Mark dropped Betsy and Marissa at the curb while he parked the car and walked in with Robert.  Betsy and Marissa ran (RAN) to the arrivals spot only to find out her flight was 20 minutes late.  Whew!

We relaxed with some drinks and popcorn chicken from KFC.  Finally the time came for her flight.  We watched as people came up the ramp.  Where's Jessica? Where's Jessica?  Finally, after what seemed like forever Mark saw he (his height is an advantage).  I raised the "Welcome Home Poster" and started jumping up and down.  Tears started to well up in my eyes.  Oh my, she's only been gone 4+ months.

Robert and Marissa had a race to hug her first, then Devon, dad and me.  We were all so happy to have her home.

She will be home for two weeks, and we will enjoy every minute of it.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Brace yourself Robert

Today Robert had his orthopedic appointment regarding the ACL tear in his left knee.

He was fitted for a brace.  He will start rehab next week.  He was told it will probably take 4-6 months (MONTHS) to heal.  Oh … my … gosh.

That calculates to no basketball season, no indoor soccer season, and probably no NOMS soccer season, and no spring Javanon season.  OH MY GOSH!!!

I'm not complaining, actually I am very grateful it isn't anything worse.  It could be a full tear, it could have been cancer or something life threatening.  Robert's summer accident was much more serious that the already serious accident we took it for.  We are very grateful that he is alive, well and in good spirits.

This will pass with time, like my back.  It's just hard to watch your very active young (youngest child) be hurt and unable to do the things that he loves (almost needs) to do.  However, this will pass and he will be back better, stronger and more determined to continue in his activities.

Monday, December 12, 2011


The results are out and Marissa was ranked on the 1st STATE TEAM for all FRESHMAN.  She is the only girl from her school to be accepted as an ALL state member (all classes).  This is a huge honor.  We are so very proud of her hard work and effort!

Way to go Marissa!!!

She is ranked 9th of all Freshman in the state, and 3rd for our 2A division!

Bad News

On Friday, 12/9/11 Robert had an MRI of his right knee because he was experiencing some pain, discomfort and bruising.  He had been to the doctor a week earlier - this was the earliest he could get the MRI.  Mark took him Friday morning at 7:00 am.

Today around 9:30 am I phoned the doctor's office for the results.  My heart sank as I heard her tell me that Robert has a cronic partial tear in his ACL.  This is such heavy news.

I don't know how I will tell Robert.  He will have to be in a brace or have surgery.  He will have to stop all sports until it heals!  I just can't imagine Robert staying still.

I have been very strong for so many things but a few have just brought me to tears and this is another one that really affected my day.  I felt terrible inside.  My little Robert hurt so bad.

We will find out very soon what the next steps are for him.  

Friday, December 9, 2011

Soring to Seattle to see Sandy marry Chris

On Wednesday after work, I flew to Seattle to be at her sister's wedding.  I arrived at 11:45 pm - yes pm.  Sandy and Chris picked me up and showed me around the city before returning to their home.

I am so excited to be here.  I am the only one from my family that could come.  I plan to pamper and treat her like a queen on her wedding day.

On Thursday, the house woke late because we were up so late.  Essentially my body went to bed around 4:30 am.  I was up at 7:00 Seattle time, which is 10:00 back home.  Sandy and I ran some errands, picked up food, cake, flowers, etc.  We then prepared the house and food before I took her out to get our hair done.

The Wedding was at 7:30 at their lovely home in Kirkland.  It was a charming ceremony where they also had the opportunity to share a few words for each other.  


girls and their high heel shoes
There were approximately 30 people at the wedding.  Guest left around 9:00.

Quote for the Day

"Happiness is found along the way ...
... not at the end of the road.
- Cowabunga Bay (7/30/10)