Tuesday, July 15, 2008

July - Better Than Expected

Well, July is turning out better than expected.
Robert went to Rajon Rondo's basketball camp the first week of July, (he had a great time)Robert went to Bellarmine University Soccer camp (1/2 day) the second week of July, (awesome)
Marissa will attend Jessica's HS basketball camp this week,
while Jessica is one of the camp counselors, (even with her cast)
On July 23, the family is going with Marissa's Girl Scout troop to King's Island Amusement Park, and the BIG thing we are all looking forward to is ...On July 24 we leave for 7 days in CANCUN.Like I said, better than expected. I'm so excited. The whole family is going. We are going to Tulum and Chinchen Itza (Maya ruins - LDS historical sights).

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Service with a Smile

We started a new family project for the month of July. Each day before the Sun Sets - each person in our family is supposed to do an act of service. It can be service towards a family member, a neighbor or anything at all that helps another person. I'm so excited because the kids have jumped on this (with both feet). At first they didn't want to tell me the "service" they did, because "you're not suppose to brag," but I told them for this month they had to tell me at least one thing they did before the sun set each day. Now, the sun doesn't set until 9:30 so - we have ALL day!

At the end of the month, those that participate (everyone) get's to go out for the "Scoops of Service Celebration"...ice cream!!!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Karate - We do it Together

Okay, I know you aren't going to believe me on this one, but we have started taking karate together as a family (Mark usually doesn't make it). We have been to three lessons so far. In all reality, the classes are self protection/defense classes. It's quite amazing to see actually how strong Devon and Jessica are, and that even little Marissa and Robert can protect themself against a large person. Unfortunately, I think I'm the weakest one there, but I try hard...

Quote for the Day

"Happiness is found along the way ...
... not at the end of the road.
- Cowabunga Bay (7/30/10)