Sunday, September 26, 2010

Chef Betsy

This is so funny and doesn't have anything to do with today, but I thought I should include it in my blog for the years ahead, when I will come back to this and read about this year....

Marissa has some wonderful friends at school that she runs cross country with. They are lucky to have lunch together. Well, near the end of last year we started sending pasta with sauce in Marissa's lunches. It smelled so good, her friends wanted to taste it. They liked the taste so much, they started to ask Marissa to bring extra so they could have some. Honest...

Okay, well, so that Marissa could have enough to eat (she is a growing girl and needs a full lunch), I started making enough pasta for all the girls. I sent in four individual containers at a time. The girls love me and ask me to send "Marissa's Mom's pasta" in every week. It's hilarious.

To Sarah, Kelsey, Kinsey, Mallory and Marissa - enjoy your pasta!

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Quote for the Day

"Happiness is found along the way ...
... not at the end of the road.
- Cowabunga Bay (7/30/10)