Thursday, September 4, 2014

Grandma's viewing and funeral

The Viewing and funeral for Grandma Rennhack was on Wednesday, September 3, 2014 from 2:00 - 8:00 pm with a special Eastern Star Service at 7:00 pm

Kirstie arrived in Toledo around 2:00 pm, but stayed at the hotel to get work done until Mark and I arrived.

I went into work at 7:00 am and worked with Jessica untill 11:20 am (was supposed to leave by 11:00 am).  I drove home to drop Jessica off and pick up Mark.  We left Prospect by 12:00 pm.  It is a 5 hour drive so every minute counts.  We want to get there as close to 5:00 as possible to be there to support Uncle Dick.

Well, all good plans done go according to plan.  Mark drove the first leg, then I drove so he could get some studying done - not a good idea.  Mark started to feel car sickness by the time we got to Dayton.  We still had 3 hours to go and he doesn't feel good.  BUMMER for him.

We had to make a few stops to get him some food, and to just let him rest.  We made it to Toledo around 5:20.  Mark wasn't feeling well enough to go to the viewing, so he stayed and rested at the hotel room while Betsy and Kirstie went on to Walter's Funeral Home.

Even though many of Grandma's friends have already passed on, some of my mom's friends came to the funeral.  One in particular, Patty remembered my mom - she was one of my  mom's officers in The International Order of the Rainbow for Girls.  I had brought my book and had a picture of mom with her officers.  We found Patty in the photo.  She and I had a great visit about my mom.  It was wonderful for me!

The Eastern Star service was so wonderful.  You could tell each of those women and men cared deeply about my grandma.

One of the funnest crazy things that showed up at the funeral home was a bag of "Raisenettes".  Grandma loved her Raisenettes.  Someone knew her well...

After the viewing service was over Uncle Dick, Aunt Judy, Shelly, G Paul, Kirstie and I went to dinner at Oliver Garden.  I spent most of the night talking with G Paul.  Poor Mark was still not feeling good enough to go.
my Uncle Dick, my mom's brother
Shelley and Aunt Judy

The next morning everyone met at Walter's Funeral home at 10:00 am to greet visitors.  The service started at 10:30 am - it was a message of love and hope!  It was wonderful.  I couldn't have asked for a better service.  We all said our good-byes to Grandma and then went in a procession to the Toledo Memorial Park.  There was a burial service.

After the service everyone had a chance to see the Rennhack plot and the Deakin plot.  It was nice that I had been enough times to show everyone where things were located.

Immediately after the burial service we all met at Alexander's Restaurant for a delicious lunch.  Mark and I enjoyed chatting with everyone, before we had to get on the road in order to get to Robert's game (start time of 6:30).  Unfortunately we hit Cincinnati traffic and it was grid lock.  We made our way around and made it to the game by 7:20 - LUCKILY the game had just started 8 minute earlier.

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Quote for the Day

"Happiness is found along the way ...
... not at the end of the road.
- Cowabunga Bay (7/30/10)