Thursday, August 9, 2012

Gravel is Delivered and Done

Betsy is so excited.  The next step is here.  She just keeps thinking, it's just one step at a time and then the whole project will be done.  Well, we are up to … what step:  let's count.

1) design
2) pull up grass
3) dig 19 x 19 pit 6 inches deep
3.5) get rid of all the dirt (oops forgot about that one)
4) lay 3 inches of gravel
5) lay 1 inch of sand
6) lay pavers - cut pavers
7) grout and seal

We've finished step 3 and are ready for step 4.  Betsy is determined to finish this before Mark gets home from work.  It's 4 and 1/2 tons of gravel, but she is determined to do it right and have it done before he gets home.  Just as a way of letting him rest after he helped haul away all that dirt. She was about 90% done when her arms started aching and … the missionaries showed up and offered to help.  She couldn't say no.  They were a great help and together we finished it in 15 minutes.  Betsy brought out cookies and ice water for them.

We are at step 4 - we are over 1/2 way there.

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Quote for the Day

"Happiness is found along the way ...
... not at the end of the road.
- Cowabunga Bay (7/30/10)