Monday, April 17, 2017

Week 46: Easter


Happy Easter!!! So Easter is now my new favorite holiday! So many miracles and blessings happened that day! But first I'm gonna start with the highlights of my week:

Easter Morning treats

So Matthew. Matthew is progressing a lot. He moved up his date of baptism to May 20th and told his parents about his baptism! In one of the lessons he said his real goal is to get sealed in the temple. He said "I like how it's not death do us part but we Will be sealed forever." He really has the vision of eternal marriage! It's so amazing! Kelly, his wife, said since we've been coming over they haven't fought once. She said that they've been a lot happier and that Annabelle (their 3 year old) likes reading the children's Book of Mormon every night. This family melts my heart!! We were running late to church on Sunday and got there 1 minute before and they were already there and saved us a seat. So cute!
We had MLC this week. I love MLC. I wish I could have it every week. It's where all the ZLs and STLs come together with the mission president. It was an awesome training, the leaders are so great in our mission!

We had a mission wide fireside this week and we invited all of our investigators to it and they came!! It was such a spiritual fireside and their were so many missionaries there! I got to see Sister Brunt again which always makes my day:) I got to see a ton of people that I knew from serving on USU! Man I miss that place. (Shoutout to Elaina cause I saw her there)

We had ZTM this week and we had to give a training on the role of the Book of Mormon. Since being an STL trainings are starting to become easier and not as nerve wrecking so I think I'm definitely improving. It was a really good Ztm!

So then Easter happened! So President Allred called us earlier in the week and asked if we could recite the "Living Christ" in his sacrament meeting on Sunday. So this Easter He and Sister Allred picked us up and both of them spoke and then Sister Davis and I went up and shared the "Living Christ." It was so powerful. I could feel the power of it in me as I spoke and the spirit was so strong. I could see people crying in the crowd as we spoke, it was such an amazing experience. President Allred invited us back to his house for dinner. So later that day they picked us up and took us to his house. It was just Sister Davis and I and President Allred and Sister Allred. Best. Easter. Dinner. Ever! We just shared stories and we talked a lot of the gospel. President Allred shared some stuff with us that is very personal to him and he told us he doesn't share it to many people. I feel so blessed to be in this mission. I know I was called to this mission because I needed a mission president like President Allred. He truly is the best and I love him. He is my family on the mission and I love his wife also.

For the rest of the night we went tracting and.... We found 3 new investigators!!! It was a miracle! We have been trying to contact this
family called the James. Every time we've knocked no one is home. We’d go in the morning, afternoon, night and nothing. Well last night they were home and they let us in and were so kind to us. The parents are inactive and the 3 kids have never been baptized. They set up a time we can come again and so we are excited to teach them.

Marissa and Sister Davis
Easter I think now is my new favorite holiday. It truly was such a spiritual day. To remember that Jesus Christ lives! He was resurrected and now all of us can be resurrected again. He performed the infinite atonement for all of our sins and pains. He truly is my savior. My example. My friend. I feel his presence daily as a missionary. I want to end this email with the last paragraph of the "Living Christ" it says:

"We bear testimony, as His duly ordained Apostles--that Jesus is the Living Christ, the immortal Son of God. He is the great King Immanuel, who stands today on the right hand of His Father. He is the light, the life, and the hope of the world. His way is the path that leads to happiness in this life and eternal life in the world to come. God be thanked for the matchless gift of His divine Son."

On a trampoline - just like old times

Sister Davis and Marissa!

Love you all!

Sister Lowe

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Quote for the Day

"Happiness is found along the way ...
... not at the end of the road.
- Cowabunga Bay (7/30/10)