Monday, April 3, 2017

Week 44: Jorge

Wow what a week. I don't even know where to start. This has probably been one of the most spiritual weeks of my mission. Okay well first the highlights of the week.... (This is gonna be long)

1. GENERAL CONFERENCE WAS AMAZING!!! I loved so many talks! President Uchdorfs, Elder Costa, Elder Choi, Elder Ballard, Elder Sabin, there were so many great talks! Conference has never been so great in my life. I think the coolest thing that I heard was that the apostles told us to read the "Living Christ" to study it like scripture. Well in December my mission president had our whole mission memorize it. As I watched conference I realized how inspired my mission president is. He is so inspired! Also in Elder Stevenson's talk he mentioned the Fernando family well Elder Mendoza (the Spanish missionary in my zone) was the one to baptize that family who's daughter in law got in a car reck and died. I'll attach the pic below! I love the Utah Logan mission!

2. So on Thursday night a member called us saying she saw 3 cop cars by Jorge's (our investigator) place and she saw him running in the field away from the cops and that they had handcuffed him. We were like WHAT! So we went over to just see and sure enough we saw some cop cars at his house. We decided it would be best to not go see them at that time so we don't get in the middle of things.

So then on Saturday we had a lesson with Jorge and his wife and they told us the story. So Jorge got drunk on Thursday and then drove home and hit a pole and totaled his car. He then went to jail for drunk driving and Holly (his wife) had to bail him out. Yep...Yikes! But Jorge saw the consequences of drinking and we told him that if he had lived the word of wisdom he wouldn't of gotten in a reck. So he now is committed to not drink anymore alcohol and said he has the desire to be baptized one day. He's a work in progress but he's coming along.

3. Zone conference was this week! So since Sister Davis and I are STLs we had to give a training in zone conference in our zone. We also had to give the same training in the cache north zone because they don’t have any STLs up there. Cache north zone is at the top of our mission and we were only 5 minutes from Idaho so Elder and Sister Lemon (office senior couple) took us to the boarder and then took us to pepridge farm (where they make gold fish)! It was so cool! The Lemons asked President to take us there and he told them "those sisters deserve it" man I love our mission president. Zone conference was super good, the zone leaders brought some members to it and had them pretend to be investigators and we had to go around the church and street contact was so much fun!!

4. We've had a lot of lessons this week and all of investigators are starting to really progress. We found 4 new investigators this week, so we are pretty pumped! We were tracting one day and met this lady named Romana. She has gone to the LDS church for over 16 years and believes in what we teach yet will not get baptized. She refused to do it and it's so sad. She reminds me of Adela who I taught on campus. It's so sad to see people believe in this gospel and know it is true but refuse to get makes no sense to me and it is heart breaking.

5. We met this return missionary of 4 years who is gone completely inactive. He doesn't believe in God anymore and when we were talking to him I just felt so sad for him. I don't know how you could go inactive after having the spiritual experiences you have everyday on your mission. Our mission president at zone conference asked how many of you plan on going inactive? None of us raised our hands. He said exactly none of us plan on going inactive yet it happens to so many of us. He encouraged us to never stop reading the Book of Mormon, never stop praying, if we do that we will never lose our testimony.

6. Okay last thing....sorry this is so long! Our mission president invited us to come to his house on Sunday and have dinner there. The youth group back from his home Ward in Washington came to Utah for conference and then was staying at President Allred's house. We had dinner and then went on splits with the priest and laurels. I had two girls come with me and we went to a lesson back in Nibley and they were so awesome! One of them was a convert and shared her conversion story to our investigator! It was a fun night. We all returned back to presidents house and had dessert and a little fireside where people bore their testimonies. It was so cool. A bunch of youth and missionaries all together sharing our experiences with the spirit. I love our mission. I love my mission president. It's great to be a missionary.

It's been a great week! We only have one week till transfers and I really really hope I stay here. I really like Nibley so far and sister Davis and I are two peas in a pod, hahah were pretty great friends now. Well hope you guys have a great week!! I'm jealous of my fam who is at the beach but hope they have fun! Love y'all

Sister Lowe

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Quote for the Day

"Happiness is found along the way ...
... not at the end of the road.
- Cowabunga Bay (7/30/10)