Monday, February 27, 2017

Week 39 - Transferred to South Logan - trip to Huntville

Hello form the cold...again!!

 So TRANFERS today!!! And I am being transferred. I am being transferred to Nibley which is in South Logan. My new companion will be Sister Davis (8 months out on her mission) she's from Alaska. We are white washing the area (which means both of us are new to the area). We are both going to be STLS! I'm excited for my new area, but I'm so sad to leave Ben Lomond: (I love all the people I've been teaching and all the amazing members here like the woods, Homgrens, Gilbert's, Dalpas, Cavenders, etc. I sent out a mass text that I was being transferred and everyone is so sad. Some people even asked for my mom’s number to text her to tell her how they will miss me. I truly love the members here, it's gonna be hard to leave.

 So just when I thought spring was on its way, we got a huge snow storm and now it's back to being cold and blizzardy! But I love it, it makes mission life an adventure.

 So this week’s highlight:
Zone sports with our whole zone

Wishing Sister Allred a Happy Birthday

it was our mission presidents wife's bday so we made her a card
So I went on STL exchanges again this week. I went with Sister Schell who is from North Carolina! It was such a fun day! So for some reason I bring out all the crazies when going on exchanges. I always meet the most strange people, haha. We were doing service at this old ladies house and sister Schell left to use the bathroom, so it was just me and this old lady. She looked at me and said "okay, now you’re going to help me get dressed!" In my head I was like WHAT! But then she started handing me clothes to put on her. So I just started with putting socks on her and she just layed on the bed and just flashed me the entire time! Also grossest feet ever! Then Sister Schell came in and the look on her face was priceless. I was like sister Schell do you want to help. And she was like nope you got it and was dying laughing, haha. I was gonna kill her. So that was one of the experiences I had on the exchange. We also met a guy that told us this funny analogy:

 "Mormons are like horse manure. You Spread horse manure all over and crops are gonna grow like crazy. Put it all in one pile and it's just stinky horse manure. Conclusion Utah is stinky horse manure..." - random guy named Tyler
Service with a smile
Painting fun! This is Lauralee who isn't a member of our church but loves hanging out with us!
We teach her kids!

 It was a fun exchange. I've really started to like being an STL! The “exchanges” are always the funniest days.
They are still obsessed with red heads, both of them left for Indonesia this week.
 I'm so sad they are gone:( but they will do great!
All of my companions in one pic but Sister Sharp.

We did a blitz in the Pleasant View area! It was great!
 So Sister Andrews and I had to speak in sacrament this week. There was a youth speaker who spoke for like 3 minutes, then sister Andrews spoke for 10 minutes and then I was the last speaker so I had to speak for the rest of the meeting which was like 25 minutes. I was stressing when sister Andrews ended her talk super early because I had only prepared a 15 minute talk. Well I got up there and somehow I knew exactly what to say. I didn't even look down at my paper, words just came to my head and I spoke for the whole time until the meeting was over. I was amazed. I thanked Heavenly Father once I sat down because I knew it was the spirit that helped me speak for that whole time. Afterwards so many people came up to me and said they loved my talk. One lady said she took notes and she felt like it was an apostle speaking! I was in shock! I knew it was the spirit who helped me speak. I've really come to see how much I've grown on my mission! In 3 days I will hit my 9 month mark of being on a mission and it has flown by! I never in my whole life would have ever imagined speaking for 25 minutes in a sacrament meeting but I did it and it went great. Missions really change you. I don't get nervous anymore to speak in front of people. I've never been so social in my life! I love the mission so much and it has changed me into a better person.

 Well that's all for this week! A lot more happened but it would take forever to write it all.

Love y'all


 Sister Lowe

 So lots of pics this week.. Sorry! We went to Snow Basin for Pday with the Huntsville sisters!
Exchanges with sister Schell!

Yep a moose on someone wall! Welcome to Huntsville

I went on a gondola for Pday! It was so fun and pretty!
 I wanted to ski or snow board so badly!

Ahhh, I love the snow!

Got to have a pick of Sister Brunt and I one last time.
We won't be in the same zone anymore:(

This is what we were in

It was a nice log cabin on the ski resort!

Oh you know just throwing up some signs in the snow,
we try to be cool but we're not or at least I'm not haha.

jumping on a moose, like usual

With Sister Schell

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Quote for the Day

"Happiness is found along the way ...
... not at the end of the road.
- Cowabunga Bay (7/30/10)