Saturday, September 14, 2013

North vs South at Home

Robert receiving a ball

Robert following the ball

Going in after half time

Coaches Niedert and Filmore

Robert on the move - keeping control of the ball

Robert attempting to steal the ball

Robert getting in position
Robert had a GREAT game against South.  We had so many plays on the goal - Robert setting up a good play.  It ended in a tie 1-1.
Seth Junion
After the JV game the Varsity team played a very competitive game against South.  The final score was 1-1.  All district Varsity level games can not end in a tie, so it went to overtime.  Twice!  After that it goes to a PK shoot out.  Seth Junion our goalie for the game, was able to block all the shots that came to him.  South scored 0 in the PK shoot out, and we scored 2.  It was awesome - we won 3-1.

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Quote for the Day

"Happiness is found along the way ...
... not at the end of the road.
- Cowabunga Bay (7/30/10)