Monday, December 3, 2018

Week 26: Six Month mark, Christmas season starts and heartbreaks

So for everyone following my mission and my progress, I am just about 6 months out on my mission. In 3 days I hit my 6 month mark which is crazy to think I only have 18 months left! 

Anyways I have had a great week ... and also a not so great week. We have quite a few people that we are teaching, but we had to drop three people this week. It just breaks my heart dropping people, but they just aren't fully interested and devoted. Also, this week none of the people we teach came to church. It was the first week nobody came in like six weeks so that was disheartening. My companion and I are getting along and have become more united. My companion is great and I will really miss him if he leaves next week for transfers! 

This week I heard a lot of Christmas music which makes me miss home and all the fun Christmas traditions. Because it is the Christmas season, I have the privilege to look for extra service opportunities and help anyone and everyone in my area! I have felt more love for the people here as I serve them and genuinely talk with then about their life and their problems. 

I heard something this week that I really thought about. Someone said, "แก้ปัญหาด้วยปัญญา"(solve your problems with wisdom). I tell everyone here if you have problems just pray to God, but they all think I'm just speaking เฉยๆ (not sincerely). I've seen miracles in my life when I turn my heart to God and rely on him. So, basically what I'm saying is that if wisdom is intelligence, relying on your own abilities then I disagree with that statement. But I believe wisdom would be turning to God and asking for His help because that is always the smartest decision! Sorry if that didn't make any sense. 

For English class we had 18 people come and had to separate into 2 classes! This class will bring forth so many miracles to this area in the future! At scripture class our neighbor (one of the people we teach) came and we taught a fire lesson! But at the end of the lesson she told us that in our neighborhood there is this drunk guy that wanders around at night. She noticed that we never locked our gate, just our house, so she told us the man is gonna rob us one night! Apparently everyone in our neighborhood knows where the ฝรั่งs (foreigners or us) live so I guess they think we are gonna get robbed. Kinda sketchy. 

Language is going great and I can understand way more now! I am able to talk to just about anyone and have a good conversation back and forth! This is the last week until transfers and I'm excited to give it my all in prep for next transfer. The Lord loves all of His children and I challenge you all to remember the scripture Matthew 5:14-16. Let your light so shine this Christmas season. Find the joy in life and once you do, share it with others. That's about it for the you all

- Learned a Thai song
- Teaching piano to two of the people I teach - and if you were wondering if I am good at piano the answer is - no
- Realized that 3 of my investigators only came to church because they thought I was handsome :(
- Korean food is fire (also Japanese)
- One of my investigators said this when I asked if they wanted to be baptized, "มีใจอยากอีกใจไม่อยากแต่อยากมากกว่า" - they want to but don't want to. haha I thought that was interesting 
- Learned a bunch of slang this week in Thai
- Thailand does have good desserts, just gotta find them

1,3,5) ice skating on p day 

2) feasting with some Thai and Japanese friends - learned a little Japanese (way way hard)

4) Best dessert in Thailand...basically a scoop of ice cream in a donut thing with cream

6) Phuket at night

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Quote for the Day

"Happiness is found along the way ...
... not at the end of the road.
- Cowabunga Bay (7/30/10)