Monday, November 14, 2016

Week 24 - to MOM

Hey mom!
I actually was outside of the game at that time. We were walking back and forth from the stadium talking to people as they went to the game! That is so funny that you were watching it too!

It's been a good week! I wrote about most of it in my group email!

I wrote this is my email to dad: but I thought you'd like to know too:)
On Sunday... It was so busy! We had no time for breakfast or lunch, so we fasted without even trying to. We have correlation at 7am so we are up at 6am and then we don't go home until 9:30pm! Long day but good!  So at 7pm we had our missionary fireside that we had members bring their nonmember roommates to. Earlier this week the Deweys (senior missionaries) asked me to speak at this senior fireside. This was also at 7pm. So we went on splits with members so we could make it to both of them. I spoke at the senior thing and it was in front of all these senior couples who are trying to decide on whether they want to go on a mission. I was there to share my experiences with the seniors and how they have helped. President Allred spoke, elder Larsen (of the
seventy) spoke, sister and elder Bryner (the head senior couple) spoke, and I spoke! So the pressure was on but I did it and it went really well.

I've noticed how much I have grown on my mission! I used to be so nervous before standing in front of people and I would just read what I wrote before the talk. I didn't even look at my paper that I wrote and I only got a tiny bit nervous! When I sat back down I thought to myself...was that really me up there speaking! I've just noticed a big change in me. My confidence has gone up as I do public speaking and I'm not as afraid anymore! Missions change you for the better!

Well hope you have had a great week! Love you! Also could you send me the pics those members sent you this week. Because I think I look really bad in them so could you not post the ones that the members sent you this week...sorry!

Okay love ya!

Sister Lowe

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Quote for the Day

"Happiness is found along the way ...
... not at the end of the road.
- Cowabunga Bay (7/30/10)