Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Robert's Court of Honor - On My Honor Awarded

Tonight at 7:00 pm (despite massive amounts of homework) was the Crestwood 1st Ward's

Court of Honor 
for Troop 170

There were lots of awards - merit badges for all the accomplishments at scout camp over the summer, and a bunch of rank advancements.

Robert was presented with 6 merit badges - oceanography, athletics, mammal study, leatherworks, sculpting, and one more. 
As a Varsity scout he was presented his Basketball Varsity Pin.
Robert with his Second Bronze Palm

Robert with his merit badges

5 boys and 4 adult leaders earn the 50 miler

He was also presented with his second bronze palm = 41 merit badges earned as a scout.
Trevor Underwood and Robert receive their Second Bronze Palm

 Lastly, he was presented his "On My Honor" award.  In order to earn this you have to have earned your Duty to God at either the Deacon, Teacher or Priest Level and achieved the rank of Star.  Robert actually earned this award a year and a half ago, but it was overlooked. 

Unfortunately, tonight Robert was supposed to be awarded a few more things that were overlooked, forgotten or whatever... one being a very BIG award.  Robert was supposed to also earn his Soccer Varsity Pin and his Cycling Varsity Pin (from last year), but the BIG award that was supposed to be presented to him tonight that was overlooked was his Varsity Denali.  The Varsity Denali is equivalent to the Eagle Scout but in the Varsity program.  I have to admit that I was very disappointed!!!  I had arranged for Jessica and Marissa to come to the court of honor just to see him receive this award.

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Quote for the Day

"Happiness is found along the way ...
... not at the end of the road.
- Cowabunga Bay (7/30/10)