Friday, October 3, 2014

JV vs Collegiate - Still no WIN

Spoiler Allert - we lost 2-1...

HOWEVER, we possessed the ball 85% of the time.  We should have easily won this game.  It is getting very frustrating to watch game after game be a loss and another loss.  The coaches just keep leaving in the same goalie and defensive line.  We keep getting beat for a few reasons...

1)  the players in the midfield don't distribute the ball to the open person
2)  many times the midfields pass back to a difficult play and the opponent wins the ball on a pas back
3)  we have people playing out of their "best" position.  Jack and Parker are excellent defenders, but they are posted in the midfield or as a striker.    YIKES
4)  but most of all, our goalie is afraid of the ball - he doesn't have the confidence to attack the ball.  He hesitates and then leaves the goal wide open.

On the good side - we possessed the ball and had so many attacks on the goal - I can't believe we didn't have even more shots, shots on goal or goals.  Robert had at least 4-5 times where he crossed the ball into the center for a perfect goal, but the guy didn't get his foot on it, or the ball went wide or the goalie defended well.

This game looks amazing in the photos, but not on the scoreboard.

Robert with a near goal

Robert with another near goal

(photos are in reverse order of the game - start at the bottom and work your way up)

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Quote for the Day

"Happiness is found along the way ...
... not at the end of the road.
- Cowabunga Bay (7/30/10)