Saturday, September 6, 2008

Unbelievable - No way can this be happening!

Okay, I am about to give up. After taking care of Jessica's broken finger, and Marissa's broken arm this summer, I thought "for sure" nothing else could happen. Right? Wrong. On Labor Day Monday, our family went to the pool to enjoy the spoils of the last day of summer. It was a beautiful day (unlike last year). Everyone was doing there thing...Betsy talking to friends poolside, Jessica reading a book and tanning, Devon enjoying nachos, Marissa with her friends, and Robert (outside the pool) tossing the football with his dad (inside the pool). Consistently, whenever Mark and Robert do this other boys join in the fun. That day was no exception, except this time Robert jumped up to catch the ball and in all the activity fell face first into the concrete. Yes, my stomach is just as sick while I write this as it was at that very moment when I looked over to see him face down. Luckily, he was concious! Unluckily, he had a gash above his eye that required six delicate stitches. Robert and I spent the rest of our Labor Day in the Urgent Care center getting him fixed. I was so scared for him. He had to be so brave. They had to give him a long shot of numbing medicine (I could tell it hurt him terribly, but he didn't flinch at all). Then I held him while the doctor carefully stitched ever so closely to his eye. He is black and blue on his check, eye and forehead. I just feel so terrible for him. Upon reflection (and not trying to be too deep, but) as a mother, I think I felt every ounce of pain he felt. It's a mother thing I guess. Even after Robert felt fine, I didn't want him to leave my side for the longest time. On a lighter note, I'm finished - I insist (as if) NO MORE INJURIES!!!

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Quote for the Day

"Happiness is found along the way ...
... not at the end of the road.
- Cowabunga Bay (7/30/10)