Saturday, March 2, 2019

Creasey Mahan and ... moving out ????

Mark and I volunteered to help Andrew Tarbet with his Eagle Scout project.  He is leading a project of clearing overgrown brush and trees at the Creasey Mahan Nature Preserve.  The project started at 9:00 AM and we planned to be there on time, however, we had to prepare the house for a showing before heading out the door. 

The project was well attended - Andrew had many scouts and scout supports there to do the work - the problem was - there was just tons of work to be done... (way more than one project - in my opinion).  The weather was nice, but it was still necessary to wear a jacket.  We also needed to wear gloves to protect us from the potential threat of poison ivy or poison oak.  The total group cleared approximately 400 square feet of brush.  We cut and cut and cut... and cut some more.  We hauled all the branches, shrubs and stubble into huge piles. What a bon-fire it would be if even one of them were lit.

While at the Eagle project, Mark received a call that we had received a PENDING offer on the house.  The cute, young couple that placed the CONTINGENT offer a few weeks ago, had sold their house and now qualified to purchase our house.  YAY!!!!!  There is only one catch.  The buyer of their house wants to purchase it by March 29th.  That means they need to be out by March 29th.  That means they would like to be in our house by March 29th - which now means we need to be out by March 29th. 

HOLY COW!!!!  That is three weeks away!!!!

All of the sudden everything became very real - very serious and very scary.  Just a reminder --- Mark and I still do not know if we are being relocated to Memphis or Dallas.  I asked Mark to contact his boss immediately (even with him being in Ireland) to inform him of our situation and that we need an ANSWER!!!! 

To make things more complicated I am trying to book my tickets for my trip to Utah with a house hunting trip on the front side or the back side of my time in Utah.  The problem is - I don't know where to book my flight to.... (Memphis or Dallas).  Mark and I feel fairly strong - maybe it is wishful thinking, but we really hope it will be Dallas.  I decide to change my tickets to travel to Utah, and then on the way home stop in Dallas. 

I also start looking for houses on for the north east area of Dallas (McKinley area).  I look and look but it is so strange to look and not know if I am actually going to be moving there or not.  I also look in Memphis, but my heart is not into it. 

It is so hard not knowing where we will settle.  I feel homeless!  I don't even know where I will be living in three weeks - how can that be...?????

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Quote for the Day

"Happiness is found along the way ...
... not at the end of the road.
- Cowabunga Bay (7/30/10)