Monday, May 8, 2017

Week 49: Crazy Lady

This has been an interesting week! Filled with lessons and meeting and crazy experiences.

It started out with MLC which was so great but also super intense. President Allred told us since preach my gospel came out baptism have been declining.... That's really sad and that's world wide. So we are trying to up our game and find more people to teach so we can bring them into this wonderful gospel.

We had ADTM (All district training meeting). We had to train the missionaries on using preach my gospel and using all 8 fundamentals. We had everyone go to the gym and had 8 people line up and make a half court one made it. We then said they had to all work together to make the basket now and they passed it to each other and then made the shot. The analogy was that the basket ball was the investigator and the basket is baptism. Each person represented a fundamental. The point was to show that when you use all 8 fundamentals, baptism start to happen. It was pretty neat and it seemed liked everyone liked it.

We got bad news this week. President Allred called sister Davis and told her her grandpa passed away this week and it was really hard on her. She's been pushing through though and trying to not think about it, but it's definitely been a harder week for her:( 

We had a lesson with Ida this week. She is the 86 year old that we are teaching who is scared of the water and that's why she doesn't want to be baptized also she loves coffee. Well we taught the plan of salvation and she accepted it really well and we asked her to be baptized June 10th and she said yes! So that was a miracle!! Okay so now for the crazy night we had on exchanges:
Three cops came
So on exchanges, Sister Ricketts and I were heading back to the apartment and we got this text from Sister Davis and Enkhbold saying: "had to call 911, cops will be here, don't come yet we are okay”... WHAT! I was like freaking out! So we were already almost there so when we pulled up to the apartment, Another cop car pulled up and he directed us to the apartment. In the apartment there were 3 cops and Sister Davis and Enkhbold. Sister Davis told me that when they got home to do feedback they heard a sound and so they went to check what it was, and they found a 40 year old crazy lady in sister Enkhbolds bed. They then saw that she went through all of their stuff, used the shower, their towels, their tooth brushes and tooth paste, she had on Sister Ricketts clothes... Yeah weird stuff! The lady kept saying "Sister Broyles told me to come here, she said I could stay here" so they were super confused but then realized that sister Broyles name tag was in their bed room from when she left it and the crazy lady was trying to make up stuff. Sister Davis got the phone and went outside to call 911. The crazy lady grabbed sister Enkhbold and took her outside also and kept saying "I'm Isis, they can't know I'm here" she then talked about how her mom is the queen of England and that she’s getting married tomorrow. She was crazy. Sister Davis just told her she was on the phone with Sister Broyles and that everything's gonna be okay. Soon the cops arrived and they cuffed the crazy lady and now she's in jail because she robbed a few other houses that morning too. It was an insane night, but everyone is safe and sound and nothing was taken.

So that was this week for ya! We had a lot of lessons with Matthew, Yamile, Kodie, Monica, Jorge, etc. It's been a busy week but a great one. Also it has been warm!! Which is such a blessing. We've had a lot of people reject us this week from door knocking which can be really hard. Missionary work is definitely the hardest thing I've ever done, but it has also been the most joyous time of my life. I watched this video by Elder Holland and he said "when you are rejected, you are standing side by side with Christ" I love that. Everyday we get to be like Jesus Christ because we are preaching HIS gospel. Every time I get rejected, he gets rejected. It's good to remember this because I know that I am never alone in this work. Being on a mission is the BEST!

I got to see Jasmine (my recent convert) this week because we were on exchanges in Logan!  She's doing so well!  She got baptized in November and I hadn't seen her since then.

Marissa with Jasmine:  When she walks out of her house - this is her view - pretty cool.

Went to the Crepery for lunch and this member bought us two crepes each.  They were so good!

Made Sister Davis this sign this morning - it's her birthday today!

I got to meet my dad's MTC teacher (Thai language) when he was in the MTC.  It was so cool to talk to him and see what my dad was like when he was my age as a missionary.

Met this super cute dog on exchanges!  It helped us talk to the people who owned it who were not Mormons, pretty cool missionary dog.

Got some pretty rad sweatshirts!  "Life is Better in the Mountains"

Sister Lowe

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Quote for the Day

"Happiness is found along the way ...
... not at the end of the road.
- Cowabunga Bay (7/30/10)