Thursday, August 1, 2013

Thursday - Tour BYU and Provo

Thursday morning was a wonderful morning because we slept in a little longer than previous days and that felt wonderful.  For some reason (I guess 5 people in one room) I haven't been sleeping that well.  I think I have, but then the next day I'm exhausted and worn out.  UGH!

Anyway, today was wonderful.  We got breakfast and packed up, loaded the van with everything.  We headed over to Bringham Young University (BYU).  We parked the car right by Devon's dorms and the Cannon Center (where he will be eating his breakfast and dinners while at college) and walked the same walk he will take in just a few short weeks.

Mark and Devon lead us on a tour of all the buildings that Devon has classes in, and Betsy helped to keep them in the right order - "this is where you will start on Monday, Wednesday and Friday; This is where you will start on Tuesday, Thursday... etc."  We worked out a very nice routine for Devon.  He is lucky - all of his buildings are very close together and the Wilkinson Center (where he will have lunch) and the Library are in the middle of his buildings.

After our tour we walked over to the Wilkinson Center to SHOP!!!!  We got some BYU spirit wear (Marissa bought a BYU Camelpak water bottle) and some missionary stuff - Philippines key chains and one Scotland key chain for Sister Fisher.  I hope she likes the gesture.

We also had fun looking for places Jessica went and recreating pictures ... like this one ...

Jessica took this photo Freshman year
Betsy took this photo of Mark, Marissa and Robert
 After our BYU tour we had HAD to stop at the Hawaiian Shaved Ice stand.  On Wednesday night there was a huge line.  Mark wanted all of his kids to taste the fantastic "melt in the mouth" Hawaiian Shaved Ice.  AND IT WAS DELICIOUS
Eating real Hawaiian Shaved Ice


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Quote for the Day

"Happiness is found along the way ...
... not at the end of the road.
- Cowabunga Bay (7/30/10)