Monday, July 25, 2011

Updating my will

This is such a thoughtful and painful experience.  First you have to think of someone to care for your kids - oh my goodness… this is so hard.  Who will raise your kids the way you would, honor your beliefs, and yet is still young enough to have the energy to allow them to be involved in sports and scouts, and yet doesn't have young kids causing too much responsibility?  Who would be willing to take on this awesome responsibility for four children (although Jessica is 18 she still has money set aside for college, etc).

Then, you have to think of so many things that just aren't thought of on a everyday basis.  Who gets what - what is important enough to single out - how does it get divided.  Will this be the same in 5 years from now, anyway - NO… Jessica is 18 - she's already technically considered an adult; whereas Devon, Marissa and Robert are still minors so we have to set up trusts for them.

I think the hardest part is making sure your wishes are express clearly so that there is no misinterpretation of your desires; but that is so hard to do because you write this document not knowing when it will be read - and hopefully not for a very long time - at which time it will probably have been replaced by a more current will.

My kids don't understand why we are writing a new will at all.  They are concerned that we think we are going to die.  We keep telling them this is just for "in case" something should happen, so that others will know how to take care of our family and property - but they think it has to be because we think we are going to die.  I shouldn't say they all think that - they don't.  Robert is the most concerned, and he's the youngest.  It's just being prepared for that "what if"…

Feel free to give advise!

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Quote for the Day

"Happiness is found along the way ...
... not at the end of the road.
- Cowabunga Bay (7/30/10)