Friday, January 7, 2011

Robert home sick with tonsillitis and strep

Okay, so Jessica is home Wednesday resting ALL DAY.  Wednesday night Robert has 3v3 soccer practice.  On the way home he mentions that his throat hurts and asks me to look at it when we get home.
After looking at it, I tell him to suck on a throat cough drop and get a good nights sleep.

Well, the next morning he woke us all up by coming up the basement stairs and throwing up right then and there.  We help him to the bathroom.  He is SICK!  Fever, throw up, soar throat.  Poor little guy.  So I thought he had a sore throat but now it looks like the flu.  He threw up most of the day, but by dinner time he was able to keep down some chicken noodle soup.  His fever gets up to 102.

He is home sick, Jessica is home sick.  This is Thursday.

Friday, he still has a fever and looks terrible, but now he can't talk without it hurting his throat.  Around 9:30 Robert and I pick up Jessica from school and the two of them go to the doctor.  Jessica wants to see if she can be cleared to play in tonight's game, and now I am sure Robert has strep.

We are at the doctors' forever.  Jessica is not cleared to play (I can see why), and Robert has strep and tonsillitis.  Jessica is so disappointed that she can't play against KCD.  Robert start's antibiotics as soon as the prescription is filled.

While waiting for the prescription, I take Robert and Jessica to Panera Bread for lunch.  Robert has more chicken noodle soup and Jessica and I enjoy their delicious greek salads.

I so hope they both feel better soon.  Rest for both of them.  As for me, I think I have definitely earned my mommy dollars this week...

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Quote for the Day

"Happiness is found along the way ...
... not at the end of the road.
- Cowabunga Bay (7/30/10)