Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Christmas Eve tradition

Not a tradition from Mark or Betsy's childhood, but one that we have done for over a decade now is to dress up as if we were the shepherds on Christmas Eve, turn off all electricity (after dinner is prepared) and eat a fish and mediteranian dinner as if we were back on the night before Christ was born. After eating a delicious dinner, we read the story of Christ's birth from Matthew and Luke.
Gathered around as a family before the Christmas Eve dinner: Jessica, Marissa, Robert, Jern Jern, Betsy and Devon - Mark is taking the photo.

Marissa ready to try anything.

Robert, not sure about this salmon.
Devon (if you can believe it) found something he liked to eat at this meal.

Jessica enjoying her food!
The girls: Jern Jern, Marissa and Jessica

Jessica reading from the scriptures

Jern Jern enjoying her meal.

Mark, head of the family

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Quote for the Day

"Happiness is found along the way ...
... not at the end of the road.
- Cowabunga Bay (7/30/10)