Friday, June 12, 2009


Jessica flanked by coaches Sykora (long distance) and Yanke (hurdles)

Jessica loves running track in the spring. Last year she ran the 100m High Hurdles and that was it. This year she was entered in several different events, but as the season started to take shape, she was pegged for three ... 100m High Hurdles, 300m hurdles, and the 3rd runner on the 4 x 400 m relay. She ran the relay with Lucy Gibson, Ashley Adams, and Jessica Andres. As I have mentioned before -

I call these girsl the FAB 4.

Three new school records for Jessica!

This winter Jessica made a school record in basketball with Rebounds. Now, she adds three more titles to her "wall of fame" She holds the school record for all three events she ran this year!

100m High Hurdles: 19.10 (broke last years record at Regionals)

300m Hurdles: 51.38 ( made at KCD Inv.)

4 x 400m Relay: 4.21 (made at the State Meet)

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Quote for the Day

"Happiness is found along the way ...
... not at the end of the road.
- Cowabunga Bay (7/30/10)