Saturday, June 13, 2009



It's a shame, but Devon doesn't see the need to take a camera to camp because he goes to the same camp every year and, (in his own words), "I already took pictures of camp."

Devon truly survived camp this year! At camp Devon worked on the following merit badges:

Soil and Water Conservation
Wilderness Survival

Devon left for camp at 6:00 a.m. on Monday along with several boys from his Boy Scout troop: Ruston, Will, Chris, Seth, Ethan, Ephriam, ... and leaders. He was all set for his week, but then when he got there he found out that he wasn't going to get to do cooking and that he would be doing Wilderness Survival. Thank goodness mommy gave Devon money to use at the "Trading Post" so he could get a few supplies that he didn't know he would need for Wilderness Survival.
In order to pass off Wilderness Survival the scout has to camp without a tent, making his own shelter in the wilderness for one night. Guess what night they chose - you guessed it - the night that it not only rained, but severe thunderstorms came through the camp. Devon had made a shelter that looked like a triangular prism with cut branches and sticks on both sides and thinner (more flexible) branches woven through for protection. He said he was fast asleep when he all of the sudden heard his badge leader shout to get up, collect their things and follow him to more suitable shelter.

Okay, 60 miles away on the same night Devon's mom is repeating a prayer over and over to please protect Jessica, Devon and Marissa while they are out in the wilderness camping at the same time a severe thunderstorm is slowly moving through the area. The storm started around 2:15 a.m. and lasted until 6:00 a.m. Betsy had a bad feeling that Devon would be camping his "overnight" that night...she was right.

It is now 2:40 p.m. Saturday afternoon and Devon is home safe and sound. I missed him so much. I am so proud of him. He had prepared for one week of camping and ended up with an entirely different schedule of activities and badges, but he did them - one of them being one of the most challenging badge requirements out there.

He and I have spent hours cleaning up the mud and gunk that came home with him. Actually the girls stuff was more messy than his, since he doesn't take a tent to camp - the BSA provides tents. Anyway, it is so nice that Devon had a great week at camp and is now home safe and sound!

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Quote for the Day

"Happiness is found along the way ...
... not at the end of the road.
- Cowabunga Bay (7/30/10)