Monday, November 11, 2019

Week 75: Trust in the Lord and good things will come

Hey everyone!!! I have hit my 75th week on my mission it's so crazy! I can't believe it's going so fast! This week was transfer week and I will be staying with my companion, Elder Despain. Not too much changed which I'm happy about because the other Elders in my house are all way chill. 

On p day last week we got to ride elephants!!! Last time I rode elephants was last year on my first transfer so yeah it's been a while. This time the elephants went in the water and started spraying water everywhere. How sick is that!!

This week I switched off with the Assistants to the President. We left for Bangkok on Wednesday night and switched off on Thursday. I switched off with Elder Butnon, who is Thai. He is so so good and we taught a lot of cool people. We taught this one person who was an investigator about a year and a half ago, but then was dropped due to a lack of interest. However, she showed up at church 3 weeks ago and the Assistants began teaching her again. Her name is Sister See (ศิ) and she is about 45 years old. We taught her the restoration and bore powerful witness about revelation and authority from God in these latter days. She wanted to know if we had that authority from God. We told her we did so she immediately asked if we could give a blessing to her daughter because she has been pretty sick lately, and so we set up an appointment for Saturday. She said that I had to be the one that gave the blessing, but we told her I'm actually from a different area. She then told us that she would wait for me to come back to Asoke so I could give the blessing. 
Elder Butnon and I could both feel the spirit as we were teaching the lesson, and its obvious that she felt it too. I love having the Spirit with me at all time; it is such a blessing! 

Our zone did so great this transfer and we saw a ton of miracles. I got the opportunity to do a lot of baptismal interviews this week and the people I interviewed were so fire! They are so prepared to be baptized. I actually got to teach one of them about a month ago on a switch off and they have changed so much. I am amazed how much the gospel changes people and how it blesses people's lives in tremendous ways!

I love working with the members and that has been a huge focus in my mission lately. We have worked with our ward mission leader, brother ปอ (paw), who is so fire. He loves serving the Lord and is always excited to go visit his brothers and sisters who have walked off the path just a little. Brother paw walks a path of discipleship and is an example to me of what true charity means. He sacrifices so much of his time to the Lord to work with us. On Monday, we bought a ton of Sarapao (a Thai snack - meat or cream wrapped in dough) that everyone loves. We took all of the Sarapaos around to a bunch of members and we got to see their faces light up. It's almost Christmas time and we want to light the world and serve everyone we can! I just love the people and the members here. They are honestly the best. 

I love you all so much. Oh yeah! We had the opportunity to visit a member pretty far away this week and they are having some hardships in their life. I got to share from Proverbs 3:5-6 that we just need to trust in the Lord with all our hearts and he will direct our paths. She started crying and realized that she just needs to have more faith and remember all that the Lord has given her already. I love the pure and understanding heart of these people. They are incredible examples to me of what a Christian or true disciple of Christ really is. 

Alright have a good week everybody! You are in my prayers.

Elder Lowe

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Quote for the Day

"Happiness is found along the way ...
... not at the end of the road.
- Cowabunga Bay (7/30/10)