Monday, June 24, 2019

Week 54: Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day dad! I love you so much and I'm grateful for your amazing example over the years. You have inspired me to do great things in my life and I want to say thank you! Love you dad!!

So as for this week I have continued to experience miracles and see people's countenances change. Starting with Sister C, she is one of the best people I have ever taught if not the best! She literally has so much faith and has sacrificed so much to become a member of this church. She simply has a desire and a belief that Christ can help her and that's all it really takes. To come to the truth we basically just need to humble ourselves and have a desire to make a change. This week for district council we were able to discuss a lot about emulating the Character of Christ and how we can develop some Christlike attributes. I'm working on becoming more humble and having more charity and love for everyone I come in contact with! I know that a huge part of this life and the next life is to become like Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father, so I encourage you all to start earlier than later, just like Sister C.

We also did a car wash this week for free which was an awesome experience to serve the people we teach. We try to go out and serve people, but a lot of them won't let us. I'm glad I could give a little back to this community because they have changed my life so much!

I had interviews with President this week and I love them. Seeing someone who has the Spirit with him all the time makes me want to be better so I can have that same privilege! 
Lastly, we were studying in the church and we met this lady named man (แมน). She said she was looking for the true church and she decided to come to this church today. We were able to have 3 members teach with us and the spirit was so strong. This lady said that she was on Facebook and saw a post about Jesus Christ, so she wanted to start learning more about Him. We were able to bear witness about Jesus Christ and his love for His children. We explained because he loves us, he restored His church and has called a prophet to guide us in these last days. While we were talking one of the members started crying and said how much this gospel has blessed her life. I think sister man has a lot of potential so I'll keep you all posted on her. 

Love you all so much and I love you dad! You are the best!!

Elder Lowe

Rainy season has begun

On a River Boat

Teaching English

Robert, Elder Burgess, Pet & Geeg

Up the Stairs (26 floors?)

Robert in Bangkok

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Quote for the Day

"Happiness is found along the way ...
... not at the end of the road.
- Cowabunga Bay (7/30/10)