Monday, August 20, 2018

Week 11: ทำงานหนักให้มีความสำเร็จ

This week has been such a grind! We go out every single day and just talk and teach people! Literally, all day every day just working and working! Also, I didn't realize how much it rains here in Thailand until this week. It honestly rains about 5 times everyday and every time it rains I just get soaked! All of my shirts are so dirty and muddy - I love it. 

On Tuesday I got the opportunity to give part of a blessing in Thai, or the anointing of the oil, which was super cool. Also, we  teach English to the Thai people every Tuesday night and we taught them about weather. It's funny to see other people struggle just like me at learning the language, haha!

The next day we taught so many people and prepared sister หล้า for baptism by asking her the baptismal interview questions. She passed! 

Well, later that night, I had to go all the way back to Bangkok on another 12 hour bus ride; we arrived in Bangkok around 6 in the morning. It was all good because I got to see all my buds from the MTC. Love you all!! I came pretty much 12 hours just to sign a piece of paper and then go straight back. But it was worth it because I was able to talk with this Thai person on a train in Bangkok. He was Buddhist and I asked him what he knew about God. He didn't know very much so I taught him about what I believe and I taught him the restoration of the gospel. He loved it and I ended up giving him a Book of Mormon and getting his phone number and Facebook. It was sweet. 

I took a flight for the way back to Chiang Rai. In the airport I got to eat McDonald's, which was expensive, but totally worth it because I haven't had any American food in like a week and a half. Everything in Thailand is like soooo cheap it's insane. Once we got back we immediately went out and gave some lessons and committed two more of our investigators to baptism! The work here is awesome!. The key is just making sure people are reading the Book of Mormon everyday. 

Friday just poured all day and we went inviting and knocking doors. Super hard day with everyone rejecting us and not being able to understand what people are saying. It is super tough to understand some people because they don't speak very clear! In the end the key is to have more faith, to not worry, stay focused, try my best, have a good attitude, have fun, and rely on the Lord!

The good stuff:
Saturday was sweet! The day was all centered around sister หล้า because it was her baptism day. She is about a 50 year old woman who was born into Christianity and then married a Muslim. And now is coming back to Christianity. I was asked to be the one who baptize her which was super cool cause it was my first baptism. Her name was like 10 syllables long so that was hard to remember Haha. We taught her like everyday and I became pretty close with her. It's awesome the amount of lives we can change here by helping others draw nearer to God. 

Church was much better this week and I understood a lot more. Not gonna lie, it's been a tough week not being able to speak that much or understand, but I know I just have to be patient cause I've only been here a week! Good thing I got today to relax and ride elephants...that's right I'm gonna go ride elephants today!!! Its gonna be so fun! I'll let you all know how it is next week!

Love you all and miss you!!
ประเทศไทยสนุกมากๆครับ ด้วยอาหารอยู่ที่นี่อร่อยเลย. ผมชอบเชียงรายและประสบการฌ์นี้สุดยอดเลย. ผมคิดถึงทุกฯคน! โชคดีนะครับ

Elder Lowe 

Also this week I got to eat some bees lol. They were not good!!! Too mushy

5) me eating some bees  

4) mural of the soccer team that got stuck in the cave here in Chiang Rai  
3) sister หล้า baptism   
2) flooding from all the rain  
1) flying back to Chiang Rai from Bangkok   

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Quote for the Day

"Happiness is found along the way ...
... not at the end of the road.
- Cowabunga Bay (7/30/10)