Monday, December 11, 2017

Week 80 - Snow Basin

Oh man another week gone. So much to tell and not enough time to write.

So this week I went on back to back exchanges with Sister white on Tuesday and then Sister Hunt on Wednesday. I didn't see my real comp for like 3 nights!! But it was good time!

We had 9 people at church this week! Another great sabbath. We had a cool miracle this week. We had just gotten dropped off in this neighborhood we've never knocked before and knocked on our first answer. But we saw the houses neighbor outside about to get in his truck. So we walked over and introduced ourselves. Turns out the guy is not a member, his wife is a member, and his goal is to be sealed to her in the temple. We asked if he was baptized and he said not "yet" (his own words). So we set up a lesson to meet with him next week, he seems so prepared! Heavenly Father just keeps putting us in the places we need to be at the right time. If we had been dropped off any later we would have missed him. I just love these little moments.

Okay so now for the best part of the week... zone conference. This zone conference was honestly the best one I've been to my whole mission. I had to give my departing testimony along with a bunch of other missionaries going home this transfer.

President Allred taught us about the atonement and it was so powerful and moving. Jesus Christ truly suffered everything for us. President also showed us this video with the song savior redeemer of my soul. It was a video of Jesus being whipped, mocked, crowned with thorns nailed to the cross, and dying on the cross. I felt the spirit incredibly during the video. I had goosebumps all over as I saw my saviors soul be received into heaven. It brought tears to my eyes. I just was hit with feelings of so much love. I love Jesus Christ with my whole soul and will give him everything, even my whole self. He suffered so much for me, a sinner, a weak, insecure, mistaken 20 year old girl. It pains me to know how much pain I have caused Jesus Christ to feel and for the amount of blood he poured out for me and my sins. His love is infinite and his sacrifice covers all. I stand all amazed by the love Jesus offers me. He is incredible. He is my everything. I was touch this week in away I haven't been before. I was overwhelmed with the spirit and cannot deny it. I just want to sacrifice everything, all of my sins for Christ. I am eternally grateful for the suffering Jesus Christ went through for me. I love you all!

This isn't my last email, I'll send you one more on my last day:(

Sister Lowe

Lots of pics we went to Snow Basin for my last Pday
1. MTC crew

 2.-8.  Snow Basin!!!  Amazing P-day!

2. Kyla from my last area got baptized this week and I got to come back and speak at it.
Marissa with Kayla

3. Jackie and Bryan!! I love them!!
4. Met a reindeer!

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Quote for the Day

"Happiness is found along the way ...
... not at the end of the road.
- Cowabunga Bay (7/30/10)