Monday, July 31, 2017

Week 61 - Ty and Jackie's Baptism

This week was definitely one I'm gonna remember for the rest of my life. (Be prepared for a long read...sorry)

First Ty was baptized! I met him back in March when his step brother David, who we taught, was baptized, but Ty was never interested then. Well 3 weeks ago we stopped by to see how David was doing, and we saw Ty there. He told us he wanted to be baptized as soon as possible! Well 3 weeks later Ty was baptized! He's such a cute kid and it's been cool to see how much his heart has changed since March when I first met him. 

Sister Vea, Ty and Marissa at Ty's Baptism

Second, JACKIE WAS BAPTIZED! Let me just tell you WOW! Her baptism was amazing. The spirit was so strong, there were many tears shed. I don't think you could be in that room and not feel it. Jackie's story starts with Sister Davis and I knocking on her door in April, she told us she wasn't interested, but she was super nice. Well later she was invited by her neighbors to go to a family history activity (she's into genealogy) and she went and loved it. Well about a month later, we were walking in her neighborhood and it started to down poor. So being the sissys we are, we ran to the closest house we could find and that was Jackie's. Before we knocked we kind of were panicking because Jackie had already told us no, so usually we don't go back to a house where the people said no to us. Well we knocked it anyways and she opened the door and said, "I've been thinking of you girls lately, I think I want to take the lessons." Yep. I think my mouth literally dropped open. So then we started teaching her in June and she had to give up her coffee addiction which was so hard for her, but she did it! Bryan her husband got re-activated after 30 years of not being active. Jackie bore her testimony in sacrament yesterday and now She is the newest member of Jesus Christ's church! Amazing right. God truly works miracles. I know he led us to her door and I know he softened her heart to let us in the second time. God is so good.

Jackie and Bryan

Sister Davis and her companion, Jackie and Bryan, Marissa and Sister Vea

Sister Davis and Marissa with Jackie and Bryan, they are so happy for them

The sisters with Jackie!!!

All the Sisters with JACKIE!  Jackie looks so happy!

Such an amazing day for Jackie!

Sister Vea, Jackie and Marissa on Jackie's baptism day

Bryan and Jackie!!!  True happiness

If that wasn't already enough of how much I loved this week, we also had many other miracles...
One night we decided to visit all of our flakey investigators (people who told us they were interested but always reschedule or are never home). Well we visited all 6 of them and all of them were home and set up actual appointments with us and said they still were interested. We said a prayer before each door, and I know it was Heavenly Fathers hand that let us get all of those appointments set. It was a miracle because some of the people we visited we've been trying to get in contact with over the past month! 

Also we were tracting one night to go visit an inactive lady who just moved in who the relief society president texted us about. Well she was outside her house in a bikini and cow boy boots working on her car.... yeah a bit awkward, but we went for it anyways. She was super nice and told us she's trying to get back to church and has gone the past 2 times. We asked about how many kids she had and she told us she had a 9 year old girl. We asked if she was baptized and she then said, "hmmm, actually Gracie hasn't been baptized. Wait isn't that something you guys do? Could you teach her so she can get baptized?" We obviously said yes! We taught her on Sunday and she said yes to being baptized August 26th! Just another miracle Heavenly Father blessed us with. I just love this work so much. I feel so close to Heavenly Father and I can see his miracles everyday. 

It truly was an amazing week, full of love, the spirit, and miracles. I never want these feelings to go away. Can I just be a missionary forever? I wish. 
Heavenly Father has blessed this area so much. I know he is watching over us here and giving us miracles after miracles according to our faith in him. I know everything that has happened on my mission is because of him and I am so so grateful.   My joy is full:) 

Sister Lowe 

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Quote for the Day

"Happiness is found along the way ...
... not at the end of the road.
- Cowabunga Bay (7/30/10)