Monday, June 19, 2017

Week 55 - Father's Day

So to start....
HAPPY LATE FATHERS DAY! All of the talks on Sunday were on fathers and I go to three different sacrament meetings so it really got me thinking. So I just want to say how amazing my dad is and how much I miss and love him! You're the best dad! 

Okay so I thought last week went by fast, but this week was like a second long. I feel like yesterday was last Pday, but I guess this means I'm losing myself in the work since time goes by so fast, We've been so busy this week, that the last time I got to do personal or companion study was last Tuesday! I love being busy though it keeps me going, but I miss my study time, haha. Okay so this week lots happened, but here are some few highlights:

I went on exchanges with Sister Chesley this week which was so awesome! We came out together in the MTC, so it was cool to see how much we have progressed since the MTC. We had so many miracles happen and it was just a fun day all together. Every door we knocked let us in and we got to share our message with them. It was crazy and we found a new investigator from it and a couple potentials also. Exchanges always bring miracles, for real! Also Sister Chesely is an amazing missionary and I'm pretty sure I learned more from the exchange than her even though I'm her STL, haha. 
Sewing project
The next day we got to go to USU campus for a service project. We had to learn how to sew and we sewed a bunch of felt together for like 4 hours (My mom would be so proud)! I got the hang of it after a while. It was so awesome to be on campus again. It was my first area and I haven't been there since. There were students who would stop me and be like "no way are you back on campus" I'd have to tell them no but it was cool that they remembered me!
We've had a couple lessons with Jackie this week. And she's been really struggling with giving up coffee. Well we told her to put a picture of Jesus in her coffee maker to help her not drink. So then the next lesson she said "look at my counter" so we looked and her coffee maker was gone! She told us that the Jesus picture really got to her and eventually she just put the coffee maker away to not be tempted. She also poured out all of her coffee beans in the trash can.... So. Much. Faith. She's now down to one cup of coffee a day, and is trying her hardest to give it up. She's having withdrawal symptoms with headaches and stuff but she is determined to give it up.

We had some lessons with Freddy and he is doing so awesome! He is so prepared and wants to be baptized on July 1st, so he is pretty solid!  YAY!

This week we had a Mission Tour and Elder Nattess from the seventy came and spoke to us. It was an amazing conference and I learned so much. At the end he had the missionaries that are going home this transfer bear their testimonies and man are those powerful. These missionaries just poured out their soul of how much they've love the mission and how they wish they could stay. I just love being on the mission so much, it'll be so hard when I have to leave (but I still got lots of time, so no worries!)

Okay so now for the best part of my week... IDA GOT BAPTIZED!!! Also today is her birthday and she's turning 87! Man her baptism was so spiritual. Her two grandsons spoke and both of their talks made my eyes water. They talked about how they've waited a long time for this day and that this is the happiest day of their life. Her son who is a convert got to baptize her and he said in a year from now we can be sealed as a family. How special!! Ida had to be dunked twice because her feet came up on the first dunk, but it all went good. Rachel (Ida's daughter in law) told us we are now officially apart of their family and told us how much we mean to them. It was such a special moment and I got to bear my testimony (yes I did cry) of how much I've loved teaching Ida. She was the first person we met in Nibley on February 29th and we just knocked her door and now she is baptized!! Miracles do happen.

Marissa so happy for Ida!
Marissa, Ida's baptism day and Sister Davis

The whole group with Ida on her baptism day

Such an amazing week. Something that's really been on my mind lately is the importance of a missionaries calling. This is the only time we get to serve our Heavenly Father for 24 hours each day non stop with no worldly distractions. This will be the only time that I can be most like the Savior. He was a missionary his whole life, and I've got 18 months to be just like him and serve with everything I've got. This will be the only time in my life so I've got to really make it count. I don't want to have any regrets, I just want to give it my all here. I will give everything and anything I have on this mission because the gospel has given me everything. I am just going to live it up and be happy:)

Sister Lowe

Lots of pics this week, sorry!

Marissa and Sister Schultz together again!  

Sister Brunt and Marissa together again!  

MTC Companions reunited:

Overlooking Logan with the temple in the back ground

Logan Heritage Days!

Beautiful Marissa


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Quote for the Day

"Happiness is found along the way ...
... not at the end of the road.
- Cowabunga Bay (7/30/10)