Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Week 56 - 97 degrees

I think I could of melted away this was so hot. But I guess not as hot as Arizona or South America so I got to give those people some credit.

97 DEGREES!!!!

This week was a little slower because for some reason not many people are home in the summer time, but still lots of things happened. So the Highlights of the week were:

Freddy's getting baptized this Saturday, July 1st!!! We are so excited! He is so prepared and ready to make this covenant with his Father in heaven. Yay for baptism!

Sister Davis, Jackie and Marissa
We had some lessons with Jackie and so far she has been 5 days sober of not drinking coffee. She is doing so great! She get headaches and stuff because of the withdrawal but she always says: "it's for the eternities!" I love her eternal perspective and the faith she has. She came to all 3 hours of church which was a shock! When we first met her, she told us she would never go to relief society because it was too domestic for her, haha, but look at her now! She actually liked relief society, woot! Jackie's baptism date has been pushed back…. She wants her family to fly in and they are flying in July 29th, so she wants to be baptized that day. It is a month away so it's pretty far but I feel good about her date and am happy Jackie feels good about it:) 

I went on exchanges this week in Hyrum with Sister Segura. She is from Guatemala and is learning English right now. This week her companion who has been struggling with health problems was released from our mission and went home. So Sister Segura has been a solo missionary the past week and will be until transfers. So we were in a trio all day Saturday with her and helped her out in her area, it was a fun day! Her English is really coming along!

Visiting with previous converts
We had some lessons with our recent converts Ida and Matthew. They are both doing so great! Matthews families going through some really rough trials right now with his father in law getting cancer but they are still so faithful and using the strength of the Lord to keep going. Ida is still so amazing. She loves church and I love lessons with her:)

It's been a good week. I sure do love Nibley. I love being a missionary here. I've now been out in the mission field for a year now, and it's truly been the best year of my life. So many amazing memories, fun adventures, spiritual experiences, and awesome converts!

I just want to soak it all up and keep going:)

Sister Lowe

Below is the area of Nibley:  the red dot is our new house.  We are way far away from everything!

Monday, June 19, 2017

Week 55 - Father's Day

So to start....
HAPPY LATE FATHERS DAY! All of the talks on Sunday were on fathers and I go to three different sacrament meetings so it really got me thinking. So I just want to say how amazing my dad is and how much I miss and love him! You're the best dad! 

Okay so I thought last week went by fast, but this week was like a second long. I feel like yesterday was last Pday, but I guess this means I'm losing myself in the work since time goes by so fast, We've been so busy this week, that the last time I got to do personal or companion study was last Tuesday! I love being busy though it keeps me going, but I miss my study time, haha. Okay so this week lots happened, but here are some few highlights:

I went on exchanges with Sister Chesley this week which was so awesome! We came out together in the MTC, so it was cool to see how much we have progressed since the MTC. We had so many miracles happen and it was just a fun day all together. Every door we knocked let us in and we got to share our message with them. It was crazy and we found a new investigator from it and a couple potentials also. Exchanges always bring miracles, for real! Also Sister Chesely is an amazing missionary and I'm pretty sure I learned more from the exchange than her even though I'm her STL, haha. 
Sewing project
The next day we got to go to USU campus for a service project. We had to learn how to sew and we sewed a bunch of felt together for like 4 hours (My mom would be so proud)! I got the hang of it after a while. It was so awesome to be on campus again. It was my first area and I haven't been there since. There were students who would stop me and be like "no way are you back on campus" I'd have to tell them no but it was cool that they remembered me!
We've had a couple lessons with Jackie this week. And she's been really struggling with giving up coffee. Well we told her to put a picture of Jesus in her coffee maker to help her not drink. So then the next lesson she said "look at my counter" so we looked and her coffee maker was gone! She told us that the Jesus picture really got to her and eventually she just put the coffee maker away to not be tempted. She also poured out all of her coffee beans in the trash can.... So. Much. Faith. She's now down to one cup of coffee a day, and is trying her hardest to give it up. She's having withdrawal symptoms with headaches and stuff but she is determined to give it up.

We had some lessons with Freddy and he is doing so awesome! He is so prepared and wants to be baptized on July 1st, so he is pretty solid!  YAY!

This week we had a Mission Tour and Elder Nattess from the seventy came and spoke to us. It was an amazing conference and I learned so much. At the end he had the missionaries that are going home this transfer bear their testimonies and man are those powerful. These missionaries just poured out their soul of how much they've love the mission and how they wish they could stay. I just love being on the mission so much, it'll be so hard when I have to leave (but I still got lots of time, so no worries!)

Okay so now for the best part of my week... IDA GOT BAPTIZED!!! Also today is her birthday and she's turning 87! Man her baptism was so spiritual. Her two grandsons spoke and both of their talks made my eyes water. They talked about how they've waited a long time for this day and that this is the happiest day of their life. Her son who is a convert got to baptize her and he said in a year from now we can be sealed as a family. How special!! Ida had to be dunked twice because her feet came up on the first dunk, but it all went good. Rachel (Ida's daughter in law) told us we are now officially apart of their family and told us how much we mean to them. It was such a special moment and I got to bear my testimony (yes I did cry) of how much I've loved teaching Ida. She was the first person we met in Nibley on February 29th and we just knocked her door and now she is baptized!! Miracles do happen.

Marissa so happy for Ida!
Marissa, Ida's baptism day and Sister Davis

The whole group with Ida on her baptism day

Such an amazing week. Something that's really been on my mind lately is the importance of a missionaries calling. This is the only time we get to serve our Heavenly Father for 24 hours each day non stop with no worldly distractions. This will be the only time that I can be most like the Savior. He was a missionary his whole life, and I've got 18 months to be just like him and serve with everything I've got. This will be the only time in my life so I've got to really make it count. I don't want to have any regrets, I just want to give it my all here. I will give everything and anything I have on this mission because the gospel has given me everything. I am just going to live it up and be happy:)

Sister Lowe

Lots of pics this week, sorry!

Marissa and Sister Schultz together again!  

Sister Brunt and Marissa together again!  

MTC Companions reunited:

Overlooking Logan with the temple in the back ground

Logan Heritage Days!

Beautiful Marissa


Sunday, June 18, 2017

Father's Day

Father's day is always special in our house.

Robert did some extra special things for Mark and we took him out to dinner Saturday!

HE is the most amazing father and husband.  He's always got a joke or a smile on his face.  He happy to help with the chores and he's slow to ridicule or find fault with anyone - even the kids - even when they deserve it.

Monday, June 12, 2017

Week 54

So I think I blinked and its already next week! The weeks go by so
fast on your mission... it just needs to slow down.

So some awesome stuff happened this week so here are the highlights of the week:

Jackie is on date for baptism on July 1st. She is so ready. We asked her how she felt about the Book of Mormon and she said, "You know, I haven't said this out loud, but I know the Book of Mormon is true. Every time I read it I feel peace and I know that that is the Holy Spirit telling me it is true." WOWZERS! Ahhh I just love it when people gain a testimony of the Book of Mormon after prayer and reading it. Jackie prayed for the first time in front of her in active husband and they told us their goal is to be sealed in the temple one day. Bryan her husband is met with the bishop Sunday and the bishop told us is was a very spiritual meeting, tears were shed, and that Brian has made all the steps he needs to come back. So Brian is ready to baptize Jackie, woot woot! Miracle!

We asked our new investigator Freddie to be baptized on July 1st and he said yes! He is so prepared. The lessons are so easy with him. He has already read the whole Book of Mormon and told us it definitely feels different than any other book he reads. He told us when he was in France, he went to the Paris temple open house with some of his return missionary buddies. He told us it just felt right there and so peaceful. He's super ready for baptism and loves coming to church. We taught him the plan of salvation and he said "I want to be apart of this plan!" Miracle!

We also asked one of our other new investigators Laura to be baptized on July 1st and she said yes. She really has a desire to know if it’s true but just wants to feel it in her heart. We promised her that as she reads the Book of Mormon and prays about it she will get her answer. She also is trying to quit smoking, so that's a bonus! We helped Ida with service and cleaned her windows. She is the cutest lady ever. She had her old music playing in the back ground and she just loved that we were there. We had a lesson with her and asked her the baptismal interview questions and she passed! She truly has a testimony of this gospel. She also turns 87 two days after her baptism, so that's exciting!!

We had a lesson with Jorge.... I don't really know how to describe Jorge but he's a character. We had the zone leaders come to the lesson and the lesson went really well. Jorge was telling us about all the hard trials there going through and how he had to go back to jail last week and got his car taken away from him and they don't have enough money to get it back. We all kind of went silent and no one knew what to say. So I had the impression to pull out the Book of Mormon and we all read from Mosiah chapter 24 which is a chapter all about how God will lift our burdens as we look towards him through trials. We weren't planning to read that, but I know the Holy Ghost prompted me to share those scriptures.

Okay now funny story: so after dinner on Saturday we were walking home because they gave us left overs and as I was opening the door, Sister Davis was like "what is this" and I look behind me and she's holding up a couch arm chair cover. I guess it had got caught on my bag and I accidentally stole the couch protector... so embarrassing. So we had to walk back and I had to return it... so awkward... literally things like this only happen to me, haha. They were all cool about it and just laughed it off. It was pretty funny.

So yep just another awesome week being a missionary. Lately, if I have any extra free time in the morning or at night I read the Book of Mormon. I just love it so much. 

I read Alma 26 this week and it is now one of my favorite chapters. I loved verses 35 and 36 which say: 35 Now have we not reason to rejoice? Yea, I say unto you, there never were men that had so great reason to rejoice as we, since the world began; yea, and my joy is carried away, even unto boasting in my God; for he has all power, all wisdom, and all understanding; he comprehendeth all things, and he is a merciful Being, even unto salvation, to those who will repent and believe on his name. 36 Now if this is boasting, even so will I boast; for this is my life and my light, my joy and my salvation, and my redemption from everlasting wo...

There literally is no greater joy than doing the Lords work. I love how much Ammon just rejoices in missionary work. I feel the same way. I have so much reason to rejoice and I know it is not because of me it because of the mighty miracles Heavenly Father has blessed us with. The gospel is true. The Book of Mormon is amazing. Life is good.

Sister Lowe

Marissa, Ida and Sister Davis

Learning to sew - wow!!!

Sister Lowe is so pretty in this dress!

Mairssa with Sister Schult, Sister Brunt, Sister Davis and another sister

Monday, June 5, 2017

Week 53 - One Year Mark

I hit my year mark this week on the mission... crazy stuff. I can’t believe a whole year ago I got on a plane, said goodbye to my family for 18 months, entered the MTC, and started being a missionary. This truly has been the best year of my life. Heavenly Father has blessed me so much this year with so many miracles and my testimony in the gospel has never been so strong. I'm so grateful to be here:)
Okay so this week highlights:

We had some lessons with Jackie and she is doing so great. She read 1 Nephi 1 like we asked her to and she said she felt really peaceful while reading so we asked her "why do you think you felt that?" And she said "wait is it that thing you guys were talking about... the Holy Spirit?" And we were like "yes that's the Holy Ghost testifying to you that the Book of Mormon is true!" It was a neat moment. We also taught her the word of wisdom and she told us she has a strong coffee addiction...but her faith is so strong. She said "but if I have to give it up so I can live in the eternities I'm gonna do it." These people's Faith! I can't believe how much faith these people we teach have and there eternal perspective, they truly are amazing. We had some lessons with Ida and she said "is it okay that I'm excited for baptism!" She's so cute! She's made such a change in the months we've known her. She used to be so scared of even the word baptism and now she's excited to be baptized! I can't wait.

Okay so this week we received quite a few referrals! We received one of a girl named Allie but with no address, all it said was: lives in town homes. So we started there. We were walking and we saw this girl on the other side of the street and said hi and she waved back but kept going. We then thought what if that was Allie, we then heard someone yell Allie. So then we were like that's probably her! She had already left our sight so we still didn't know where she lived. So we went to the beginning town homes and met this lady outside on the grass who was a member and asked her if she knew an Allie Brooks and she said that she was her neighbor! Miracle! So now we have her address.... sometimes missionary work is like detective work, haha. 

President Nielson (first counselor in the mission presidency) called us and said he's coming to Nibley to video us and the high council men over missionary work and some WMLs for a new Logan mission video. So I was video interviewed and it was pretty nerve wrecking but I think it went well. This will be my third video I'm in for the mission...hopefully the last!

We had exchanges this week with some sisters in our zone. Exchanges always bring miracles! We came to our area and found a new investigator! We were walking down the street and we passed this White House and as we passed it I couldn't stop looking at it. I had this feeling to go knock it even though it wasn't in our plans. So we turned around and did it anyway and found a new investigator named McKenzie! The Holy Ghost rocks and I'm glad I listened to that prompting!

Presents for my one year mark from my trainer,
best friend and first companion, Sister Brunt
So for my one year mark my old senior couples (the Sampsons and Roylances) through a little party for me and had sister brunt there too! We went to the Sampsons house and we had amazing lunch there. It was such a great time. I miss them all so much and it just felt like home at there house. It brought back a lot of memories. They were my senior couples my first transfer out...and now I'm at a year, time flies. I also got to see my wonderful trainer sister Brunt! She got me New Zealand chocolate and it is so good!! Like best chocolate in the world. I don't think I'll ever eat Hershey again. I truly love the people on my mission. So many amazing friendships I have made here.

Okay last thing... so this week was stake conference. So on Sunday since there are 12 wards in Nibley they have to broadcast stake conference to some buildings so that everyone can watch it because not everyone will fit in the stake center. So we decide to go to the 2600 building with Jackie and her husband and we watched it on the screen. Well president Farnsworth acknowledges that President and Sister Allred are there. So I get this feeling to check the phone. I look at it and we have two missed calls and two texts from president. We then get a call from our zone leaders saying president wants us to be at the stake center to give 4 min Resto. So we tell Jackie and Bryan we have to go and we grabbed someone from the crowd and asked if they could drive us. She drove us and she was going like 65 in a 25 mile per hour zone. We got there just in time and he called us up (he was the first speaker). We shared Resto and everything went well! After stake conference president came up to us and said he forgot to call us to do this and said he thought it was strange we weren't there, haha. All went well, but it was a stressful time.

It's been a great week! Lots of lessons and investigators coming to church. Couldn't ask for a better way to end the week! Love you all!

Sister Lowe

Robert's Graduation Party

Robert's party planning started long ago, but the day finally arrived.

Betsy ordered tons of food, and had the yard set up with croquette, volleyball, badminton, basketball, soccer, and corn hole.  On the other side of the deck she had tables set up for people to eat and on the deck was the food spread - only one problem.

Jessica was a great help with setting up the decorations and the food.  We drove around all day picking up balloons, cake, catering from Raising Caines and Costco, etc.

Just minutes after the party started - it started to pour POUR - SHOWER us with rain.  Betsy had to pull all the food inside and watch her plans disappear.

Luckily the rain only lasted for 15 minutes and then it turned into a beautiful night.  The games and food went on for hours.

We even had a bon-fire later in the evening.

Croquette experts - or not - just have fun!

Corn hole masters!

Robert dunking the ball - swoosh!


Nothing but net!!!

Quote for the Day

"Happiness is found along the way ...
... not at the end of the road.
- Cowabunga Bay (7/30/10)