Monday, January 23, 2017

Week 34 - Blizzard Conditions and a Priesthood Miracle

Hello Everyone!

 So this week was a bit crazy... For one the weather has been insane!

 It has been a blizzard here in Ben Lomond every day this week!!! I can't tell you how many driveways I've shoveled or how many times I have slipped and fallen. One night Sister Andrews and I were just walking home at 9 and she slipped and then 2 seconds later I slipped. We just sat there on the ground laughing for a while, haha. Everyone is telling us that they haven't seen a winter this bad since 2005, and of course it's the year I'm on mission haha, but nah it's all good, I love the snow!


 So Sister Andrews is my new comp. She is from a military family, so has lived all over (Idaho, Utah, Louisiana, Nebraska) but she is currently from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. She is 20 and has always been home schooled. She is really nice and I think we are gonna work well together.

 So this week I saw some miracles. So on transfer day, all the missionaries who are training or are becoming a leader (DL,ZL, or STL) had to go to Logan for some meetings. So we all met in a parking lot in North Ogden and we're waiting for everyone to get there when all the sudden Elder Sagmeister (he's from Germany) just collapses. At first we thought he was joking because he does that a lot, but thankfully Elder Woolwine caught him before he hit the ground. They then carried him into the van and laid him down. He still wasn't waking up and we were trying to see if he was breathing. So then Elder Jones and Elder Boyd gave him a priesthood blessing and no joke right after they finished the blessing, Elder Sagmeister's chest rose and his eyes opened in confusion. Like WOAH! Power of the priesthood right before my eyes! It was Amazing!

 So for some reason whenever a seventy comes to Ward conference something awesome always happens! So Elder Peterson of the seventy spoke in our sacrament and then afterwards he sought us out and gave us a referral which was sweet! And then said "what can I do for you

 sisters?" So I just thought Hmmm "you could pray for us" and so he then says "okay, let's go do that together." So we followed him into the bishop’s office and Sister Andrews said a prayer, then I said a prayer, and then he said a prayer. It was the most amazing prayer ever, I can definitely tell he is a man of God. In the prayer he blessed our families at home and our future families that we will have. He blessed us with miracles in the Ben Lomond Stake and blessed that we will have the Holy Ghost with us always. Afterwards he told us he sees the light of Christ in our eyes and to NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER get discouraged. He was crying in his prayer and so were Sister Andrews and I. I wish I could remember the whole prayer because it was amazing. This week the 3 kids we were teaching, mom called us and told us she doesn't want them to have lessons anymore and that they just want to go to activities. I have been really discouraged this week because I feel like everyone we meet just decides to drop us. When Elder Peterson said "never get discouraged for it drives the spirit away," I felt like that was what God was trying to tell me. So my new goal is to not get discouraged and to find joy in any circumstance.

 It's been a hard but good week. We are constantly tracting and knocking doors and for some reason not to many people are interested, but we don't let that get to us. We've done a lot of service this week and are teaching a lot of inactive people. 2 of the inactives we teach (Rainey and Bonnie) came to church for all 3 hours so we were super happy!

 Well that was this week! I've been reading the New Testament for the past month and I'm really coming to know how to become more like Jesus Christ. He himself was a missionary and as I look to him and his example I can become a master teacher like he was and still is. I love my savior Jesus Christ, he has blessed me in so many ways. I love this gospel and I know I can find joy in any circumstance!

 Love y'all!

 Sister Lowe

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Quote for the Day

"Happiness is found along the way ...
... not at the end of the road.
- Cowabunga Bay (7/30/10)