Monday, October 31, 2016

week 22 - Happy Halloween


Tomorrow I will have been on my mission for 5 months!! Which is crazy because it doesn't feel like that long! Time has flown by. This week was so great! I feel like every week just gets better and better!

So here the amazing things that happened this week!:

- The Elders called us on Tuesday night asking us if we could teach this girl they are teaching.  They told us that she has trust issues with men because of her past and wants sisters to teach her. So we co-teach with them. This girls name is jasmine and we had a lesson with her on Wednesday and asked her to be baptized on
November 19th. She accepted right away. We then met with her on Friday and we were teaching the plan of salvation. We asked her if she had read 1 Nephi 1-10 and she told us she had to run away from home to do it because her dad would take he book and trash it. We asked how she felt while reading and she said "it felt right, I think it's true." We were in shock! Like that is the power of the Book of Mormon! I love it so much because it helps us gain a testimony of Jesus Christ! She told us in the lesson: "I've never felt this much love in my life." That broke my heart. This girl has gone through so much, she then said, "I just want to covert now, can I move my baptism date up?" Elder Gardener and Smith and Sister Schultz and I all look at each other, all of us beaming with joy and we said, "yes oh course, how about the 12th?" And she was like "yep that sounds great!"  We have only met with her twice and she is already ready for baptism. She truly is amazing!

- So another Elder companionship called us and told us they have an investigator, Mercedes, who wants sisters. Since we are the only sisters in our zone we told them we will teach with them. We get there and we ask who Mercedes is, and this little girl pops out and says "thats me!" She is 8 (almost 9 though) and both her parents aren't Mormon. Sister Schultz and I look at each other because we have never taught a kid before. Actually I don't even think I've seen a little kid on my mission yet because we cover YSA (college kids). It was a big change in our teaching because we had to make it super simple. We taught her and her mom, Lenor the restoration. And both of them were so interested and so happy to receive light in their life. The mom explained to us that she is trying to get sober from her drug addiction. It was a great experience.

- So this week for USU is the HOWL which is this big Halloween party on campus where apparently a lot of people come drunk to. So my whole zone was on lock down from
6pm - 9pm on Saturday in a church building. So we all played sports together which was a ton of fun! We also have a full P-Day because it's Halloween and we aren't allowed out. So we will be at the church tonight playing sports with the other Elders and Sisters.

- Okay last thing, sorry! Last night we had Elder Ucedes from the quorum of the seventy come and he gave a devotional, he spoke in general conference a few weeks back. He shared his conversion story of how he came to know that this church was true. It was so powerful. He taught us about prayer and how we should constantly be changing our prayers. One thing that struck me is that he said, "when we are praying we have the attention of the most powerful, almighty being in the universe!" That really gave me perspective on my prayers. I really need to take advantage of my time to talk to Heavenly Father because it is such a sacred amazing time. Our investigators came to the devotional which was great and they said they loved it.

This week we have seen so many miracles and I know it is because of our diligence, obedience, and faith. I know that God is watching out for us and he is sending prepared people our way. I love this gospel so much. Mission life is great! I wouldn't change it for the world! Hope all of your weeks go well, and look for the miracles in your life! Love you all!

Carving Pumplins

Marissa received a care package from the Crestwood Stake = it made her so happy

Logan Sunrise

Marissa with Sister Schultz

Marissa at a beautiful spot by a river

 Sister Lowe

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Quote for the Day

"Happiness is found along the way ...
... not at the end of the road.
- Cowabunga Bay (7/30/10)