Sunday, July 7, 2013

Marissa Receives her Patriarchal Blessing

(This post is really for personal posterity 
but I didn't want to leave out such a special moment in Marissa's life)

Today was a very special day for Marissa and her parents - On Sunday, July 7, 2013 at 12:30 p.m. she met with Stake Patriarch Charles at the Crestwood Stake Center to received her Patriarchal Blessing.

At first Patriarch Charles explains some things about the blessing and linage.  He spends quite a bit of time explaining and making sure she understands all that is about to be given to her.

Marissa received a most beautiful blessing -  There really isn't much I can post about the actual events, except to say it was just one of the most spiritual experiences of my life. It was such an amazing blessing to witness. I felt so privileged to hear the words be pronounce upon her.

She is such a lovely young lady (inside and out)

It was such a special day that Betsy wanted a photo to remember the feelings we had as we left the Stake Center. I hope Marissa will read and re-read his blessing several times throughout her life. She is so blessed and loved by the Lord.  She is a very special daughter of God.

It was absolutely one of the very best moments of my life!

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Quote for the Day

"Happiness is found along the way ...
... not at the end of the road.
- Cowabunga Bay (7/30/10)