Friday, June 15, 2012

Robert and Devon go to Scout Camp

The same week that Marissa and Mommy are at YW camp, Robert and Devon were at Boy Scout camp.  Devon didn't get to go last year so he was super excited to go this year.  He needs three merit badges to earn his Silver Palm and he passed off four at camp.  Done!

Robert and Devon met at the church at 6:00 am with the other boys going - there were approximately 18 boys from our troop - that's huge:  Robert, Ben, Max, Trevor, Reece, Talan, Derek, Austin, Henry, Conner, Ephriam, Riley, Will, and Devon - Devon being the oldest.

The boys were busy all week long attending sessions in their merit badge subjects.

Robert took shot gun, kayaking, forestry, and wilderness survival.  During shot gun Robert's arm was hit by the kick back so he wasn't able to finish the merit badge during the week, but he has a year to finish it.

Devon signed up late but was still able to get into some great merit badge classes.  He took shot gun, pioneering, orienteering and rowing.  He earned all four merit badges and I'm sure he will have a chance to use them when he is away at high adventure next week.

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Quote for the Day

"Happiness is found along the way ...
... not at the end of the road.
- Cowabunga Bay (7/30/10)