The first week of summer and already camps are in action.
Jessica is at Church Young Women's Camp with three friends, (Tyler, Meagan and Jenny). They camped at Otter Creek Metro Park; they had a great time! This was their 4th year so they had to do the 5 mile hike and camp overnight (away from camp). They came through with shining colors.
Devon went to Boy Scout Camp. He worked on five merit badges, Environmental Science, Personal Fitness, Citizenship in the Nation, Fingerprinting, Communication, and Weather. He loves BSA camp - he's off in his own world proving he actually doesn't need us. He does so great at camp.
Marissa went to Girl Scout Day Camp. Luckily she comes home each night (need her cuddles and hugs). She had a great time - this year's theme was all about cooking.
Robert is the major camper this year. He went to Cub Scout camp and had a great time with his friends! He also attended
Rojan Rondo's basketball camp - go Celtics!, While there he met Edgar Sosa of the UofL men's basketball team, and Rajon Rondo of the Boston Celtics.
Next week is Bellarmine University Soccer camp with friends from his team, Matthew and Mason. The last week of July is Thoroughbred Elite Soccer Camp.
Jessica is attending a special HS girls shooting clinic. She will be taking private basketball and track lessons.
Marissa is taking a girls basketball camp (being offered by Jessica's high school team). She has no interest in basketball - she just wants to support her big sister.
Betsy, I had no idea you had a blog. It's too cute. You are a super woman and do so much. All you camps sound so fun.