Monday, June 27, 2016

Marissa - Week 4: Logan, UTAH

Thanks for emailing me! I'm doing great, I sent a mass email out for you and the family with all my adventures that I've gone through here in Logan. I'm glad you liked my letter. I really love you guys and I really have been blessed so much to have a mom like you. So I still have my phone, it's just in my suit case front pocket zipped up and locked a way. I haven't looked at since I got to the MTC. I would send it home but I don't have a box to do that and I don't know where the post office is here In Logan. So I was just gonna leave it in my suitcase for the next 18 months. I totally forgot that it was there until I read your email.  So being here in Logan is great. You really have nothing to worry about. Everyone here is so nice and they love missionaries. I love my companion so much! She's so cool and fun to be around (so much better than my last companion... Like seriously. She and I take turn talking in the lesson and we really flow it's not forced). We met our mission president and he is so awesome. He's totally chill. He's only been a mission president for a year and this has only been a mission for a year. Like when we got to his house he was like okay time for a nap. Haha he was joking but he just went and laid on the couch. I love his wife too, she's so nice! They have the cutest family and they took us on a hike on our first day and got us ice cream. I love them already! 

So My mission president said that they need more Hermana sisters so he wants me to start learning Spanish soon! So soon I’ll get the materials to learn it and then I have to start studying... A LOT! 
I asked this girl named Morgan to be baptized after my companion and I explained the restoration and she said yes! I was like "really, you will?" (I was so shocked) And she said “Well, if I come to know that it is true then yeah I will." I was so happy!  She said that she had goosebumps when I recited to her Joseph Smith's prayer. I love you mom and awesome job at getting all A's, you are awesome! Have fun with Devon and Robert and dad this summer! That's awesome that you teach so many people! You rock! I love you! Oh yeah so I get to read your emails through out the week but I can't reply to them until Monday because I have an iPad:)

(Marissa looks like she is having a wonderful time ---)

Marissa found snow at the end of June - SNOW!

Oh my gosh- Logan is beautiful

My beautiful Marissa in such a beautiful place

Marissa found $20 while walking home to her apartment

Marissa standing at a door with a Book of Mormon ready to teach

Marissa's Apartment:  Her's is the yellow one on the right

So amazing... on Marissa's first night in Logan, she ran into Josh Powell the store.

Marissa taught sorority sisters at Utah State

The Logan Temple is breathtaking at night

Marissa with Logan in the background

Lunch with some very nice members!

Her companion took this photo

PS:  so we walk around everywhere so I was wondering if you could order me some black toms. All the girls in my apartment have them and they say they are great to walk around in and are comfy. I've only been here a week so I don't really know all the places we go to eat at so you can send money if you want, I get $130 a month so I'm pretty good on money though but money is always great haha. You can send what ever you want. If you see anything cute you can send it! If you can’t that's okay! I love you!

My address for my apartment is:
Sister Marissa Lowe 
654 E 400 N
Logan, UT 84321

Or you can send packages and letters to the mission office which is:

Sister Marissa Lowe
Utah Logan Mission
179 E 800 N
Logan, UT 84321

Sister Lowe

School started again

Sullivan summer session started on June 27, 2016.

This term I am taking:  conflict management, professional development, philosophy and senior seminar!! 

I am excited about this term.  I like all my classes.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Marissa arrived in Logan

Monday morning Marissa and the other missionaries called to serve in the Utah Logan mission boarded the "Front Express" in Provo around 7:00 am and arrived in Logan around 9:20 am.  They were met by a senior couple at the train station.

From there they went to the Logan temple and met their mission president and his wife.  They were able to do a session and take photos.  
Marissa with her mission president and his wife.
Marissa and her travel group at the Logan temple.

Later that same night we received this text from the Powells (they used to live in Prospect).  

Josh just saw Marissa at the store!!  He got her number so we will be calling and checking in on her often!!

Saturday, June 18, 2016

He's Home

We are so excited to welcome Elder Lowe home from his mission.

It took four flights to get him to Louisville: Boise to Salt Lake, Salt Lake to Denver, Denver to Atlanta, Atlanta to Louisville

At the airport his parents were waiting for him with Jessica, Tate and his best friend, Norman.

It was a JOYOUS day for everyone.

Reunited with my son

Jessica, Devon and Mom - HOORAY

So glad he's home safely

Decorations outside the house

I love Devon - I'm so happy he had a wonderful mission

The whole gang:  Mark, Norman, Devon, Betsy, Jessica and Tate

Best friends reunited:  Norman Stumler

Devon with Jessica and Tate:  They drove down from Detroit, Michigan

Devon with the PARENTS!!!!  YAY!!!

With Mom 

With Dad

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Robert's High Adventure

Robert went to the O'Brien's house on Tuesday.  They left Wednesday early in the morning for high adventure.
His Venture Crew  ...
 and hiked  ...
 for three days.  
Everyone had a great experience.  

I don't have any photos! While canoeing Rusty's canoe tipped with his cell phone in it.  It went to the bottom of the river, he lost all the photos.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Marissa - Week 2

Hey mom,
This email is just for you not for everyone! I love and miss you so much! I love getting your emails and Dear Elders! I've been praying every night that you will do well on your finals! So hopefully that helped! I saw Dad's cousin in the cafeteria the other day, I think his name is David (i forget) but his wife's name is Becky. I told more of the details to Dad in his email so ask him!
Okay so I've been wearing that pink skirt that you made me and literally everyone loves it! I think I got 20 compliments in a day! So if you want to make me more skirts like the light pink one you made me go for it! They also complimented me on the black flowery dress you made me! So thank you for all the clothes! Oh yeah, if you have a chance could you go to Versona's and buy me a lightish pink shirt kind of like the black, white, and red one you bought me. I went there before my mission and saw it but never bought it because I didn't bring my wallet with me! But its just a plain pink shirt that's fitting. Also thank you so much for the package! I literally was so happy! I love the pictures you sent and the granola bars. Next package send me Cheezits! I miss them!]
So the MTC is great! I love it here and am always learning something new. I love that here everyday my faith grows because when I was at home my faith was pretty constant but here it keeps growing. I said the prayer at the Tuesday night devotional. I was so nervous the whole time. I had to say the closing prayer in front of everyone at the MTC but the spirit helped me be calm and told me what to say. After the prayer Elder Soares (A member of the quorum of the Seventy) shook my hand and then the MTC president shook my hand and said it was a great prayer. My branch president came up to me afterward and said he thought would of just been exalted right then and there into heaven. Which was very comforting to know!
So I leave on June 21st at 6:25 am and then arrive at the Ogden train station at 9:22am and then a senior couple picks us up and takes us to the mission home. I'm so excited but also sad to leave my little family here. We all have gotten so close as a district here and do everything together. Like right now we are all emailed home together.
I love you mom and love your inspiring words. I'm sending a letter home for you and dad and then also one for Jessica and Tate since they will be there for Devon's farewell! So don't open theirs just give it to them:) Also Devon wrote me so I guess I was lucky, He just said "MARISSA YOU WILL BE AN AWESOME MISSIONARY!!!" That exact writing so I was happy! 
Love you,
-Sister Lowe

From Betsy Lowe
Jun 15 (1 day ago)

to Marissa 
Awe - sweetheart - you must be doing great - better than great.  Look at all the spiritual compliments.  That's so wonderful. 

I'm so glad you like the clothes I made you and ... That other people do too!  It is a way for me to be with you while you are gone.  I love doing things for you - 

Cheeze- it's will be on there way tomorrow!  I'm so glad you got the package. 

Thank you so much for the prayers.  Guess what - I got all As!!! So stressful.  

Well I'm making your skirt extender now so I'd better get back.  

I love you more than there are sands at the beach. 

Love mom 

Have a great day,

Betsy Lowe 

Monday, June 13, 2016

Devon - last email

These past weeks have been difficult to teach people because they are not home that much.  A lot of people are on  vacation.  However we did get a less active member to church that always makes me happy.  We also challenged a long time less active to pray everyday for a week.  He is a huge BSU fan so to give him some encouragement I promised to wear a BSU tie and tell people that I am a BSU fan on my homecoming talk if he prayed everyday that week.

I will see you guys soon(Saturday).  Today I am going to go visit some people in my old areas.  it’s going to be fun! and sad :(

This is me signing off my last email.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Marissa - Week 1 from MTC

I miss you guys so much! Thank you Jessica and Tate for the Dear Elder Mail! It's the best. Dad, Mom, and Robert should do that too. It's a lot easier because through out the week I can get letters from you guys and read them and then on P-day I can just write you guys and not have to read a bunch because I already have read it through out the week. 
Okay so I already sent mom my Mass email for everyone but I want to talk to you guys personally too! 
So my Companion's name is Sister Broyles! She is from Nebraska. She is in Culinary school and wants to be a baker later on in life. She likes to draw with chalk and doodle. She's really sweet, a bit quirky, and her hand shake almost makes your arm fall off. She struggles reading and has to go to tutoring during companion study but I try to help her sound out words and understand them. She's super confident in being a missionary. Me... not so much. I still have a lot to learn and I not that confident when teaching. The only thing is when we are doing lessons I'm pretty much the only one talking. I look over to her to see if she'll say anything to the investigator... but she doesn't. But after were done with the lesson she goes back to talking a bunch (She talks A lot) and back to being confident. I have prayed to love her and know how to work with  her and I think I'm doing a good job at it. She's a lot to handle at times but I know there is a reason I was set to be her companion.

The people going to Logan in my District are: Sister Chesley, Plemons, Broyles, and I. The Elders are Elder Robinson, Warner, and Nienez. Elder Campbell and Sister Cahoon are going to Scottsdale Arizona (They are both from Canada) and Elder Rennolds and Sister Hunnting are going to St. George, Utah. So that's my district! I already love them so much! Sister Plemons is from Georgia and has an accent! She is the sweetest, most funniest person ever. Sister Chesley is more like me personality wise, I really like her. 

The first two days were really hard here at the MTC. I couldn't fall asleep for one, and also I was super stressed! I was so tired and all I wanted to do was sleep! But on Saturday I prayed to feel energy and be awake, and that is what exactly happened. The days are so long here but I love it. I sometimes wish I had more time to study and read my scriptures more. Sunday was one of my favorite days! It was nice to go to church and not have classes. We got to have a lot of personal study that day. My district and I, watched the Character of Christ video of Elder Bednar speaking 3 years ago at the MTC on Christmas. It was to most powerful talk I have ever seen. I couldn't keep my eyes off the screen. In the talk Elder Bednar emphasized that we need to turn outward instead of inward. When Jesus Christ was on the cross he could of been like "look at me, I'm suffering" but no he thought of others and said, "father forgive them, for they know not what they do." Jesus Christ constantly thought of others and never thought of himself and that is what I want to do. I want to be selfless and always think of others before myself. So far, I am on the right track. I am constantly thinking of my investigators and what they need. I wasn't to help them understand and I can only do that with the spirit's help. 

I actually haven't been that home sick until I read your guys emails and especially Dads because he said he see's my empty door and misses and me. I really miss you Dad and I miss Mom and Jessica and Tate and Robert and Devon Too (and Jasper)! But I couldn't imagine going home! I have felt the spirit so strongly here and it's like the spirit never leaves. I constantly feel that warm peaceful feeling in my heart where ever I go. 

I exercise everyday! I run with a couple girls from my district (my companions a little to slow for me, so she runs with other girls in our district). The food is Okay here... I like the salad wraps here, they are super good! i wish I could write more because I have so many more experiences I could share with you guys but I don't have time:( I have pictures to send but I think I need a cord to plug my camera in to the computer for you guys to see because for some reason the sim card won't pop up on my screen., or get a new sim card, I don't really know! If you guys want to send me a package or anything feel free, I'm always up for surprises! Also I need more socks for my flats, so if mom could send me that that would be great! 

I love you guys and keep writing (especially on dear elder) I love hearing the stories. I can't believe stood up to that Black guy at the grocery store and almost got beat up! YIKES! and thats cool that Jessica and Tate's ward is so diverse. Keep me updated. Also get Robert to write me too, I miss him. I'm sorry to here about the Honda Odyssey. Maybe it's time to let go of it cause it keeps malfunctioning. I hope Robert's having a good summer so far and doing well! I hope your final go well Mom, I'll be praying for you! I did see sister Casos mom, she said hi! Sorry I'm not writing to you all individually, I thought this would be the most time productive way. 
Okay I love you guys and miss you! 

Betsy Lowe
Jun 8 (8 days ago)

to Marissa 
Awe - Marissa that was such a great email. Can I read it I could hear you talking.

It is sad to see your empty room, but we are so happy for you to be were your heart desires.  Robert actually has been doing act studying in your room,  I think he likes to be in there so he feels closer to you.  We have been playing a lot of chess and basketball.  He is on high adventure this week.

I finished my last final today - yippee!!  I will start dear elder today!!!   I went for a run today!!  First one in s while.  It felt so good.

I love you so much.  Elder Bednar's talk sounds so good.  Love - hugs and kisses


Have a great day,

Sent from my iPhone

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Marissa Enters the MTC

Marissa stayed the night at Uncle Alan's house.  The next morning, June 1 Alan took her to Provo.  They were able to purchase the three remaining books that she needed for her mission at the BYU Bookstore.  While they were there they had lunch together at the Courgar-eat.  After that, Alan drove her to the MTC.

Before going into the MTC Marissa had a chance to call Jessica, Robert, Mark and Betsy to say her last goodbyes.

Later that day she had a chance to email us.  Sounds like she is settling in nicely!

Marissa flies to Utah

Tuesday morning everyone was up at 6:00.  Robert got ready and went to Seminary.  Marissa and Betsy continued to pack up her last minute items, weighed each suitcase to make sure it wasn't over the 50 pound maximum weight - we did awesome.

Soon it was time to load everything into the van and head off to McDonalds.  Mark went ahead of us so Robert wouldn't be waiting, but we all arrived at the same time - perfect timing.  Going to McDonalds for breakfast has become a Lowe family tradition when someone in the family is leaving for BYU or the MTC.  We met at the McDonalds in Crestwood for the first time, since Robert has seminary at the Crestwood Stake Center, it was more convenient.

We had a fun, but too quick breakfast together.  Robert and Marissa hugged and said their good-byes before he had to leave to go to school.  Marissa went with Mark in the van on the way to the airport, while Betsy followed close behind.

The airport is under construction.  It was confusing at first - how to find the Delta check in but then Marissa and Mark made it.  Her back were the perfect weight; she is all checked in.  We walked with her to the security check point until we weren't allowed to go any farther.  This is the part where it gets so hard for everyone - it's the final and last goodbye for 18 months.

Mark cried, Betsy cried, Marissa cried.  Everyone had tears - not tears of sorrow, but tears because we have loved being with her so much for the past month and now it is so hard to let her go ... but we must.  This is also the longest Marissa will have ever been away from home.  She can get homesick, so we hope and pray she will do okay.

She called and let us know that Delta changed the gate but didn't tell some of the passengers.  Luckily, a gentleman checked as it was getting time to depart but they still had not called for boarding.  The plane was boarding at another gate.  Marissa was one of the last ones on the plane but she made it.  She slept on the plane - yay!!!  She arrived in Atlanta and made it to her connecting gate.  She arrived in Utah on time.  Alan was there to collect her bags and take her to his place for the rest of the day and night.  She had a wonderful night with Susan, Alan, Mikayla and Kailoni!

Oh - how I miss her so.  So much my heart aches for her - but I must be strong and not make her cry or miss home any more than she already does.

I miss her so much because she is such a ray of sunshine around the house.  She is always happy and cheerful - she always has been!  I miss her sweet smile, her gentle hugs and the beautiful sparkle in her eye and her wavy long red hair.  I miss how she and I had the chance to make  treats together - no bake oatmeal cookies, chocolate chip cookies with Nutella in them, brownies and even chocolate covered strawberries.  I miss her being in her room at night, and talking with me in the car.  We had the best time together at home.

Quote for the Day

"Happiness is found along the way ...
... not at the end of the road.
- Cowabunga Bay (7/30/10)