Monday, November 30, 2015

Devon - Week 76 - Temple

Many people last week asked us if they could reschedule for next week.  Therefore, last week Elder Wood and I had fun contacting people.  We had great experiences changing some people hearts as we bared our testimony and as they invited us back.

This last week I got a call which said that the Terry's were going to be sealed November 27 at 11 am and that I was invited to attend with them.  I was filled with Joy that the Terry's remembered me and invited me to come.  I had helped the Terry's become reactivated in my first area and I also helped them move out of the Ward.  Apparently they became less active again :( in their new ward and then got reactivated and made steps toward getting sealed in the Temple. They told us to get there around 10:30.  We thought there would be a lot of traffic for Black Friday Shopping but there was not, so we were the first people to the sealing.  We saw the parents get sealed and then we saw the children get sealed to the parents.  I don’t think I have ever seen so many people cry for joy in a place before. The spirit was so strong there and I got to say hi to the whole family.  The whole event made my year. 

I had my first Dog story of my mission.   We were trying to contact John Trydaleand as we approach the house we see a huge saint Barnard laying down on the driveway which we later nicknamed   Kujo.  I will tell you next week!

Monday, November 23, 2015

Week 75 - Save Kid - Sprained Wrist

I have had a crazy week this week.  Last Sunday on the way to church there was a kid lying on the ground that was unresponsive with the paramedics and member trying to help him.  When we arrived on the scene a member asked us if we knew the kid and where the kid lived.  We knew where he lived and with a member and fireman when to the house and told the Mom what had happened.  The day before that I saw the kid and I had a feeling that he was not alright and I was about to ask him how he felt but we had to leave because we were going to be late to an appointment.  I know it was the Holy Ghost and I am glad it told me because it caused me to want to know where he lives.

Monday I was on exchanges with Elder Newbarth.  We had a blast and some spiritual moments.  We got to really help out a member that was struggling with their testimony. 

Tuesday I picked up Elder Wood who lives in Greenwood, Indiana.  That’s like less than 4 hour from where I live.  We got him a bike, went shopping etc.  Elder Wood and I have a similar personality. 

Wednesday had my first district meeting.  I was worried because I could not prepare as much as I wanted to but the spirit helped me and I know that they felt the spirit.   

Thursday I had a leadership meeting training me to be a great district leader.  

Friday I went on temporary exchanges with another companionship because one was sick and the other had bad cabin fever and wanted to get out and work. 

Saturday I rode my bike and went to go up a curve.  When my bike hit the curve it stopped my bike and I was flung to the ground and hit the cement hard.  I now have a sprained left wrist.  I didn’t know how much I use my left hand.  Good news is that it is healing fast but I will be walking a lot more.  

Thursday, November 19, 2015

District Leaders Letter

Dear Elder Lowe,

Congratulations on your call to serve as a District Leader in the great Idaho Boise Mission.  Your faithfulness and contribution as a missionary has been exemplary and this calling is a further expression of the Lord's trust and confidence in you to bless, lead, and strengthen, those in the district to whom you have been called.

As a District Leader, you must be exemplary in every area of missionary service.  You  must show absolute loyalty to the Lord and to your mission leaders.  You must continue to keep all the mission rules and encourage the same from all of those within your stewardship.  It will be your responsibility to help your missionaries set and reach their goals.  You must work hand in hand with local leaders to develop trust and confidence.

District Leaders have the responsibility to successfully "lead" their respective District towards excellence in all areas of missionary work.  You must love and reach out to every missionary within your stewardship, set expectations and account-abilities, and produce results that support the goals and vision of the entire mission.  Be sure to plan effective District  meetings that meet the needs of missionaries in your district.

Work hard, be diligent and ask the Lord for revelation as you lead out in your District.  I know He will bless you in this important responsibility.


President John Q. Winder
Idaho Boise Mission President

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Soccer Banquet

That and OHS boys soccer banquet was held on Wednesday, November 18 at the hunting Creek country club. Unfortunately there was a very bad fatal accident on the road prior to the event which made getting there very complicated. Luckily we were able to get there and enjoy a beautiful evening. Betsy was presented with flowers from the N0HS a boys.  That was so very nice. She was also presented with a poinsettia from the coaches for all her volunteer work during senior week.

Robert was presented with his second varsity letter actually has pin and he had a wonderful evening with his friends. Many of them play together on a rec team called FC Creasy.  Several of them also play together on the 0SC soccer club. Playing together off-season is really going to help them their senior year.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Letter from Devon's Mission President

Dear Elder Lowe,

We are so pleased with your call to serve as a Trainer in our Idaho Boise Mission.  Your dedication, obedience, success, and work ethic have made you worthy of this critical and important responsibility in the mission.

This is the most important calling any missionary will ever have.  Your influence on your new missionary will have a great deal to do with the eventual success of his mission.

As a Trainer, you must be exemplary in every area of missionary service.  You must be absolute in your observance and compliance to mission rules.  You must make effective use of personal and companion study time, and establish the skills, attributes work ethic, and other characteristics that help successful missionaries.  You must demonstrate absolute loyalty to the Lord and to your mission leaders.  

You will make all of the difference in a new missionary's life.  I encourage you to display an extra measure of love, confidence, faith and patience during this training and development time.

Please know of my great admiration for you.  I know I can trust and depend on you making the very best of this sacred responsibility.

Sincerely yours,

President John Q. Winder
Idaho Boise Mission President

Week 74 - District Leader

Transfers just happened.  Elder Ray just got transferred to Boise East.  President Winder must either really Trust me or have a great scene of humor because I am now a District Leader, Trainer, and opening a new area.  

The holidays are coming up :)

Last transfer I was stressed because of all the unknown that I faced being a trainer and opening a new area.  This transfer I am doing a little bit more but I survived the last two transfers and had a great time with Elder Ray and really did great work. With that under my belt I am confident that I can face the challenges ahead of my with Heavenly Father's help.  I can’t tell you how much I really felt like Heavenly Father helping and strengthening Elder Ray and I.  We did our part and God did his part.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Devon - week 73

I have been reflecting on these last two transfers and have realized that Elder Ray and I have seen some hardship especially the first couple weeks of last transfer and this transfer.  However, we have been so blessed to see great miracles in our area.  1 baptism already and possibly 2 more on their way.  Our Zone Leaders have also noticed this and asked us last week what we have been doing to get these miracles.  We really didn't know what to say beside that it is all the Lords not us.  We are just trying to do our best.  The field really seems white and ready to harvest.   We really have built up member trust and because of it I think these two wards have been some of the most supporting wards on my mission.  I am really glad to have been Elder Ray companion.  He is still learning as a new missionary, but he has become a great missionary in the time that we have served together.  I love his zeal towards missionary work and his diligence.  

Elder James B Martino of the 70 visited our mission. I learned from Elder James B Martino and I am grateful that he could come to the mission.  He taught us about changing our hearts and coming closer to Christ.  He also encouraged us to use members in as much phases of the work because it would accelerate missionary work.  He used the example of Alma and Amuleck to teach that principle.  A week later we had Zone meeting and it was very spiritual as many missionaries bared there testimony about missionary work and their belief in Elder Martino promise.

Our investigators are doing awesome and are recent converts are doing even better.  Next week Eric is going to be called as Young Men's secretary and he was only baptized three weeks ago.  We have an investigator named Hope that should be baptized November 21.  It has been a good week for missionary work.  

Transfers are coming up soon and I think I am going to be transferred.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Robert Receives His Patriarchal Blessing

It was such a special Day!  Robert had prepared himself by prayer and fasting.

After Church Robert met with Patriarch Charles (he is from the Bardstown area).  After a very nice introduction about how Patriarchal Blessings came to be and the lines of linage, President Charles laid his hands upon Robert's head and gave him his blessing.

It was SO amazing!!!!  Robert has such generous and specific blessings that were pronounced upon him.  His blessing was so special.  I hope he always remembers this day and the special spirit that was present at the time of his blessing!

I'm so grateful for his faithfulness and love of the Gospel.  Robert is such a wonderful young man, destine to be a great leader.

So proud of you Robert

Quote for the Day

"Happiness is found along the way ...
... not at the end of the road.
- Cowabunga Bay (7/30/10)